Sure, you always get some streaks at 50/50 chance, that's in the nature of random. Point is that what people has described here is a systematic cyclic behavior of loss-streaks and win-streaks. Especially loss-streaks but that may be headology.

It can place you at the wrong elo level for a long time, thats cool, which would make your team slightly worse (by you being 1/12 underperforming, right?). Point is, if this happens to only a few players the lucky one should experience better opposition but also better teammates.
If this does happen to the majority of the players all that does it making MM more random, which should result in more uneven games, but not affect the probability to win or loose.
Anyways, it had been nice to know more details about how the mm builds each game.
On a side note, I am enjoying a really nice win-streak at the moment.