Prosperity Park, on 02 September 2014 - 06:55 PM, said:
There is a verry simple metric that can be used to determine if Clan Mechs are balanced against their Inner Sphere counterparts.
"If a brand-new player is more successful in an Inner Sphere Mech compared to its Clan-equivalent, then the Mechs are balanced. If a New Player is more successful in a Clan Mech than its Inner Sphere equuivalent, then the Clan Mech is not balanced."
This metric is 100% derived from PGI's rule-of-thumb that a player's skill should determine how well they can perform in a Clan Mech, instead of merely riding on the Clan's technology-coattails. If a new player can thrive in Clan Mechs moreso than IS Mechs, then that means they are riding coattails, and those tails should be trimmed. Only skilled players should be able to utilie Clan Mechs to a potential that out-classes IS Mechs.
I know that there are MANY people who think that lighter and smaller equipment should be more battlefield-effective than their heavier and bulkier counterparts by default (an utter fallacy, by-the-way... complete fallacy). I feel that, on the contrary, the lighter and less bulky equipment should only be more powerful when wielded by very skilled hands, and the heavyweight, bulky weapons should be more effective than the lightweight stuff in the hands of a newbie.
Does anyone else feel this way?
I think you have a very good idea. In general this is exactly how balance should be looked at. While it's good to analyze DPS/DPG and other quantifiable things about mechs and weapons, ulitmately it comes down to in-game performance.
This is how Riot games does things for instance. They look at how champions perform in solo q and competitive matches and see if they are doing what they want them to do and is any of them too dominating.
However, there are a few things I think should be considered in addition:
1) You have to consider how mechs perform at the top of the skill ladder as well. If the Clans, for instance, would have a high skill reqirement and once that is reached, they start outclassing the IS tech, that would mean that Clans would have a great edge in CW.
2) You have to consider more than raw numbers. If one or the other tech is plainly more fun to play, then the balance is not good, even if players get equal win rates etc.
- A good example of this can be seen on the Clan vs. IS leaderboard challange. Clan mech scored higher. The Clan mechs also scored higher compared to previous leaderboards meaning they bring more power for certain. I don't know how player's win rates changed with the coming of the Clans, but even if they sayed the same or changed minimally, the leaderboad is scored based on kills, assists and damage done, the "fun parts" of the game, meaning most players will likely find Clan mechs more fun even if they don't win a lot more games.
Those are the two reasons why we can be quite certain the game needs rebalancing. Some of the Clan weapons need nerfing and the IS needs some changes to make it feel distinct and not just outdated.
I'm not saying the weapons need buffs (apart from pulse lasers), but something like "quirking" all the IS mechs significantly along with an update to hitboxes and coming Clan weapon nerfs might be all the IS needs to feel fresh.
Edited by Marmon Rzohr, 03 September 2014 - 04:41 AM.