The Imperial Fists are a small bunch of warhammer nutcakes who happen to dig mecha and wouldn't you know it we (every now and again) play battletech, 40K (7th legion represent) and video games (yay MWO!).
We are a small group of misfits who follow (loosely) the organization of the 7th legion (first person to be named Dorn gets my daddy issues!) Generally speaking we aren't a "RP" group but we don't mind some loose recreations (in MWO or otherwise)and we also play games of D&D only war,deathwatch and or STEIHNAH reincarnations (glorious banshee on banshee action).
Likewise the other end of the spectrum, if your looking to join the gods of MWO with BS10 then I'm afraid we ain't the people to hang with. But if your a fun bloke (or lass, bah heresy!) then feel free to hit us up and we'll drag you into a voip call and if we click, we click (free Godwin pattern boltgun and MKIII Iron armor for each new initiate!)
Dislcaimer: we don't mind younger folks but mind that we're all off the mindset that #YOLOSWAGproN00bzsl4ayerXXX is not a person we'd like to play with and we recommend you find your potential new legion elsewhere.
For the Emprah!

Imperial Fists
Started by High Marshal Sigismund, Aug 14 2014 01:21 PM
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