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Voiceless Groups

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#1 Will Randor


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 09:35 AM


These services are for grouping up without voice or a mic.

EDIT: I also had a look at this service to see if it is any help for players not wanting to install any software at all:


This has maximum flexibility for specifying what group you need as you can type out some brief text like "want to be a heavy in a 4 man" or "3 locusts" or just post your player name if you don't mind dropping with any group type. The key problem with the forum or even friends in MWO is nobody can tell if you actually want to group or not at any particular time.



1 Install the Teamspeak client (Ironic yes) - no Mic setup is required as Teamspeak will just be used as a text chat tool.

2 In Teamspeak go to this server and use your player name as a Teamspeak Nickname (this server does not allow voice):

password = mwo

3 Close or disconnect the session in Teamspeak as soon as someone contacts you in-game.

  • It has lots of pre-made channels so you are likely to get an in-game invite without having to do much except choose a channel.
  • It is easier than regular Teamspeak servers if you don't like (or can't use) voice - and much better than posting on the forum trying to find a group.
  • It Allows custom temporary channels so you can try for exact groups like "3 x Atlases and a Heavy".

Edited by Will Randor, 08 September 2014 - 07:28 PM.

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