So you stated in one of your posts, that you would like to have battle of attrition.
Now I replied in one of the topics my idea.
And I guess I wanna go a bit more into the depth of it and create a seperate thread for it so that people can reply what they think as well.
Some first things:
I know you wanna keep the game close to the TT, but lets face it, with all the balance changes it's already a bit off from the TT anyways. So values of TT should not be taken too close since they don't work that good in a realtime simulation shooter game anyways.
But when you said battle of attirtion, this caused me to think about what this may mean and what of this feeling is already in the game.
Well for me it is the influence of damage to the performance of my mech. But do I feel this ingame? Only very rudimentary. I guess most currently visible effects are blown off limbs.
But it feels hardly like a attrition. More like a big chopfest.
So taking my Nova experience as example.
When do I have lost a laser last time? when my arm or troso blew off
Or an MG? when my Torso blew off
But when have I lost a single MG or laser? basically never, at least I can not remeber that this ever happened.
And when I shoot at others? When I see the "Component destruct" appear on the screen, I either blew off a whole section, or I hardly noticed any attrition on the opponent mech.
This is basically caused by the quite high HP internal components do have and the low overall HP the section has. And except from some really heavy mechs there is hardly anything noticeable in destruction affecting performance.
So what my idea would be is the way how many hitpoints do work.
Initially I would suggest heavily reducing armor, so possibly half it.
second is to increase internal HP by doubling them.
This will leave a lot more time between opening a section and destructing it. It will also leave more room for critting out internals.
But by this internals may also need an overhaul in their hitpoints.
A rough suggestion would be:
5hp per slot they consume.
This way the big guns are harder to destroy but smaller guns will be destroyed a lot more easily. it will also grant the IS some advantage over the Clanmechs because their wapons use more slots to balance the fact that they can not wield as much weapons as the clanners.
Standard heatsinks should have 5 HP.
CDHS 7 and IS DHS 10.
This way heatsinks will also be detsroyed a lot earlier than the section they are in.
So a Nova arm for example would now switch from 32 Armor and 16 internal to 16 armor and 32 Internal. And a Nova prime will now have 6 CEML with 5HP each. meaning 30HP in components. The chance now, that damake to this arm will destroy some components before the whole arm blows off is a lot higher now. And the amount of damage the arm takes would now also have a much bigger impact on the mechs performance.
it woudl also increase ttk in the later times fo a match, because Mechs are losing losing firepower and heat control with their status dropping.
I am not sure how much work it is to alter values like that across the whole mechs. But seeing such a setup on the testserver and trying how MWO would feels like is something I am interetsed in.
I really would like to feel how my mech gets damaged with time. And How I have to deal with the way attrition alters my mech when I may have lost some heat sinks, or some weapons.
And the bigger a mech is, the more of this feeling would exist, because bigger mechs will survive longer by their way bigger internal HP but still getting components destructed quite early.
Edited by Lily from animove, 09 September 2014 - 03:56 AM.