For weeks... I think it's been since the clans came out to be more clear... I've been having issues where my mech just stops moving forward or backwards or won't stop turning, won't fire weapons when clicked, enemy mechs won't render and weapons fire won't render. The rest of the game is progressing on just fine, I'm not experiencing a ping spike or any other issue I know about but it's ruining the game for me.
I finally am starting to think this is a desync problem. It's been getting me killed on a regular basis when suddenly, I stop moving in front of enemy fire, and no matter how many times I hit "0" or hit W or S the mech will not move forward, then just as randomly it starts, it goes away, but by then I'm missing limbs and weapons or cored out if not dead.
Yes I have a low quality computer with an FPS between 5-18 most games but my ping is in the upper 30s to low 50's most games, and my connection is extremely good. These problems do not exist on any other online game I play.
It's just no fun playing a game where I can't trust to listen to my keystrokes.
Is anyone else having this same problem?
Edited by Kjudoon, 11 September 2014 - 04:57 PM.