OP, you make total sense but these guys are simply lazy entitled and/or just unqualified. Most of the leads have a grand total of 1 game of battletech and little passion for it, and it shows. I'm betting they'd just rather be out on their shiny new boats we bought them than actually making this game. You really think each team lead will burn 2hours a week on CR?
I listened to about an hour of Russ's town hall before my eyes just couldn't roll back into my head any further. 'Good progress' is apparently that terribad UI2, hitbox 'fixes' (to original sloppy/rushed mech work?), 12v12, mech-scammy-packs, some (pretty poorly made) maps, and polishing? And this paltry amount after seriously slow development in the preceding years, whilst consistently saying 90days for the goods - always well-timed with said mech-pak promos. This isn't marketing, this is dishonesty.
Then we have Russ repeatedly not blaming IGP but then actually foisting the blame on "compromises" with them. While probably true, this is just pathetic. When you're captain of the ship, you're captain. Every problem on your ship as captain is ultimately your responsibility to
remedy or to take blame for... while your ship sinks. It's that simple.
At this point for the game to survive, with this history and reputation, they'll need to create revenue by actually raising the prices of mechs etc. To go the way they should have from the beginning, cheap prices to get buy-in-commitment and produce an economy of scale - would be suicide, because the pool of players remaining is very small compared to 2012. The beta had about 2k - 5k at any time, I doubt it's anywhere near that amount today.
Now they think they can start a 2nd game, basically a generic space sim (with arguably plagiarized assets), after they failed to get the rights to Wing Commander (thank god that didn't happen). All i can ask is:
What planet are they on? Sure lots of companies handle multiple titles, but it helps if at least one of them is
2012 I had hope.
2013 Hope mutated into skepticism, then into contempt.
2014 February - simply gave up on the game completely.
2014 After this Transverse reveal, I have pity, and a fair amount of shame for that gold tag to the left.
As always I REALLY hope I'm wrong about this all, and somehow this team pulls a rabbit out of it's hat. Just for the sake of the IP, but also for you people that still somehow believe. Whether that's the case or not I will not be re-installing this game ever again. Nor will I ever invest in a single pipe dream from this studio nor any studio which hires any of these leads for a management position from the inevitable(imo) ashes of PGI.
Good luck, you're gonna need it.
Why am I even here posting this you may ask. And that's fair and I probably shouldn't as i have no dog in this race anymore. I think just the shock and awe of this transverse fiasco has brought up a well of frustration with these people. Retrospect? Catharsis? Whatev's
Edited by sokitumi, 11 September 2014 - 06:24 PM.