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Electing A Player "council" Of Sorts

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#1301 IraqiWalker


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 09:55 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 17 September 2014 - 05:45 PM, said:

And here we have it, PGI has already got the staff position to do what needs to be done, as a matter of fact didnt they just put on 2 or 3 new staff for community management?.
Want community involvement? put up a poll to see who and who doesnt want a council and put that on the Launch page.

That makes no sense. Why would people who don't frequent the forums, have no idea who the participants are, or even know what the topic is, be expected to have an informed vote?

Should I vote on the Danish elections? No, I shouldn't I don't even know the language.

Polling the player base on changes to the mechanics is a brilliant idea to be honest, I'm all for it. However, polling the non-forum going player base on a forum issue, is very flawed.

View PostN0MAD, on 17 September 2014 - 07:55 PM, said:

So what is NiKo and his department paid to do?
Programming? Art? Networking? no they are community managers, i seem to have the wrong idea of what this job entails, i always thought it was part of their job to interact with the community and be the mouth/ears for the devs.

Yes, all three of them (counting 2 for support issues) actually deal more with support than what you're thinking of. Also, 3 people is still less than 3+1. More people means more data can be collected faster.

View PostRip Snorgan, on 17 September 2014 - 08:26 PM, said:

And please remember, though you may speak, you MIGHT not speak for me.



Thank you for that civil post.

I will say one thing: The Council is not speaking for the player base, so much as taking their ideas, compiling them into an accessible and legible form, and presenting them to the community and PGI. The community, and definitely PGI will have the final say. The council has no say.

If that means that they are speaking for the player base (I always take that phrase with a negative connotation, forgive me if I am mistaken)

View PostPappySmurf, on 17 September 2014 - 08:29 PM, said:

I guess you never thought players might like the way ECM works in the game right now? And believe it is working just fine? It was the same with Jump Jets I liked the way jump jets worked before the nerf now there garbage and not worth the tonnage to install them for heavies and assaults. And I was not even a pop sniper I run 90% brawler builds.

This group or nominees are all from teams on the group queue and are going to take the data they feel is important to them and there player groups they represent and recommending those to Russ and PGI I think it is a sham and a disservice to the total player base.

So basically I vote no to any ECM changes and no to a player counsel be sure to note that in your reports unless Russ wakes up and says (What the hell was I thinking) even considering a player counsel.

Again, why are you making stuff up? The Council's responsibility is to get all the data (notice the "all" part), and compile it. If they miss something, or omit something, you can literally post a link to that thing, and call them out on it.

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 17 September 2014 - 09:05 PM, said:

So what the community manager should be doing

Would you be happier if the entire council became employed by PGI, and still did exactly the same thing?

This is the same thing. They are offering us an olive branch, and we're trying to help.

View PostWine O, on 17 September 2014 - 09:20 PM, said:

Ok, I don't care for the forums much AND I am not reading this thread from page one but I am adamantly against any form of "player council" beyond an advisory-ish (make that a capital ISH) position. If people want to play dress-up and give themselves a fancy moniker - fine. But in no way should they have any say in the end decisions of this game. Leave that to professionals, and by professionals I mean people who get paid.

If you had read the OP, that's literally all it will be. The council isn't going to be making up it's own ideas and designs, and telling PGI to do them while PGI listens blindly.

The Council is going to list the community's ideas, and try to turn them into proper mechanical suggestions. The community gets to view/review the ideas, and PGI eventually decides which ones to go with (possibly with a player vote, not a council vote, notice.).

View PostPappySmurf, on 17 September 2014 - 09:31 PM, said:

I personally feel ECM is not a problem with the game I enjoy how it works and see no need to nerf it or modify it in any way.
I also feel the Jump Jet Nerf was total wrong I enjoyed the way MWO jump jets worked like MechWarrior4 jump jets worked now there just plain garbage and useless unless you run a light mech.

So many aspects of MWO have been ruined to a point the game has become passé by minority groups mostly playing in the group mm queues advising PGI on issues that if in-gamed polled or voted on would never have been done.

You're asking others to understand/feel the same way you do about a topic, yet you are not willing to consider how other people feel/think about the topic? Isn't that a bit on the hypocritical side?

PGI recognized they have made some mistakes, and want to try ways of fixing that. How about we give them a chance, before shooting them down off-hand with no legitimate excuse?

By the way I was personally of the opinion that JJs should have had their TT strength (30 meters jump distance per JJ). Like what was done in MW:LL. That way, you get the ability to use jump sniping, and if you are skilled you can be devastating, but there would be a drawback, and a risk. Instead of the almost zero risk involved with the tactic (now it's nerfed to the ground, in the wrong way)

However, the JJ discussion itself is not related to this topic, so I would urge you to either discuss it in PMs, or in another thread, and I am personally willing to participate.

For the record, I agree that many features got wrecked (JJs, Information Warfare)/implemented despite the community's opposition (3PV, Coolant Flush). However, it looks like PGI is trying to fix that by letting the community have more participation.

Edited by IraqiWalker, 17 September 2014 - 09:57 PM.

#1302 Dirgez


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:03 PM

Though I am apprehensive to the council idea, I feel that if we do not at least try then nothing will be done. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. From the list I have seen, there is a health mix of people from almost all directions. It looks like it could work as advertised.

So by all means, lets light this candle.

#1303 MischiefSC


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:59 PM

View PostWM Dirges, on 17 September 2014 - 10:03 PM, said:

Though I am apprehensive to the council idea, I feel that if we do not at least try then nothing will be done. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. From the list I have seen, there is a health mix of people from almost all directions. It looks like it could work as advertised.

So by all means, lets light this candle.

This has been clearly and repeatedly identified not as some codified permanent change but the beginning of a larger dialog. At this point literally Russ is just trying to get a few people who can be shown to have at least some respect from some of the community in a single TS channel for a conversation on where to go from there, and we're turning even that into a struggle.

We need to make some progress, move it forward and adjust on the fly. PGI is still in control of MW:O and will do what they want. They're just opening the door a bit to some more comprehensive player feedback and some methods of getting more of that feedback from more people in a more useful manner.

Just because some people are not happy with it doesn't mean you don't do it. Some people would rather we drop the BT focus of the game and make anime mechs. that doesn't mean you abandon all new development on the game until you get some perfect consensus.

A bit of dissent is always good. It keeps people having to defend and justify why they believe and feel the way they do, this makes them re-evaluate their position. You do that on the march though, you don't grind the army to a halt for every sidebar conversation or bit of navel-gazing.

Onward and upward.

#1304 Gimpbytr


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:11 PM

[color=#959595]Definition of forum:[/color]
[color=#959595]a meeting at which a subject can be discussed:[/color]
[color=#959595]a place or opportunity for discussing a subject:[/color]
[color=#959595]a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion:[/color]

[color=#959595]Examples of a Forum:[/color]
[color=#959595]Forums were held to determine how to handle the situation.[/color]

[color=#959595]Related to Forum/synonyms:[/color]
[color=#959595]colloquy, conference,[/color] council[color=#959595], panel, panel discussion, parley, powwow, round-robin, roundtable, seminar, symposium[/color]

[color=#959595]What I am pointing out is the Forums were/are your council. They would go without responses until a huge blowup would occur.[/color]

[color=#959595]When I beta tested this game, there was never any emails sent with a survey- as other beta games I tested have sent numerous surveys to see what works, bugs encountered, and features that would like to be seen.[/color]

[color=#959595]This really has the feeling of damage control more than true concern for the community.[/color]

[color=#959595]I do hope that this franchise can succeed,for I have seen many of my sentiments posted by others over the years warning of the iceberg heading towards Mechwarrior Online, but the captain going full steam ahead.[/color]

[color=#959595]Thank you and wishing PGI success in developing MWO. [/color]

#1305 Russ Bullock


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:37 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 17 September 2014 - 05:45 PM, said:

And here we have it, PGI has already got the staff position to do what needs to be done, as a matter of fact didnt they just put on 2 or 3 new staff for community management?.
Want community involvement? put up a poll to see who and who doesnt want a council and put that on the Launch page.

3 new Customer Support not Community management.

#1306 Dark DeLaurel


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:38 PM

View PostRuss Bullock, on 17 September 2014 - 11:37 PM, said:

3 new Customer Support not Community management.

Do they have fancy names or do we just get to call them Support folks? (I mean like the old ones were uh..I think Game Master or something like that).

#1307 Russ Bullock


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:41 PM

About to lock this thread and just let sink down I think it has served some purpose in at least bringing a lot of old faces and old veteran MechWarrior pilot's back together.

After reading this thread, a few others and in continuing to exchange emails with some of the past banned players It became clear to me on what I felt the proper next step was. I will try to post that up this evening as well.

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