Koniving, on 13 September 2014 - 11:15 AM, said:
It's like I also disagree with about half the things Bishop says, but I still see the value of what he could bring. I have always seen value...and convolusion in Homeless Bill's biggest idea (the most popular one of the targeting overload as an anti-pinpoint) which I could get very similar results (not for the same reasons but nevertheless similar results) with in a far more simplified version by just converting all mechs to a locked 30 threshold for heat. Even so it'd be possible to go out and get a drink together -- though I strongly suspect I'd be buying.
Even Khobai or Ultimatum X [I know I'm probably butchering this name] I can respect, both of whom had opinions with which I have had incredible disputes over to the point where I've rewritten what would have originally come out as almost benignly hostile responses before returning, trying to see it from his or her point of view and trying again -- repeatedly -- to try and find a middle ground. But just because I can be friendly doesn't mean we'd go conspiring to conquer the world. Though we might eventually settle on an agreement.
The point in general is you can disagree and give counter points whether you like the person or not. I mean even Russ has demonstrated this ability in overturning some of Paul's balancing decisions. The old and new results are things I strongly disagree with, but it's a fine demonstration that opinions can vary, compete, etc., without having to "hate" everyone you're with.
On the mention I had before, the US Senate could debate and eventually compromise on something but Congress, the two sides are so at odds that absolutely nothing is getting done. I can see why 'buddies' can be seen as an issue, but so are 'enemies' that despite each other for the sake of doing so.
Me and StJobe aren't really buddies and we've never spoken outside of debates about what functions this or that has versus what it should have and sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't.
That said however, if I were to choose anyone, the last thing I'd want is a "yes man." I've seen that side of game development and the results are so awful that you might find them familiar. It's a thinking person's shooter and it needs thinking people. Homeless Bill, DocBach, Livewyr, Bishop, and some of the others: these are people that I know actually put some thought into things. Some more than others. They were voted on for a reason and it's not because "I like or dislike this." It's because they study issues, look into what things were supposed to be, and even find ways to make things fit in a way that seems fair even if it's not 100% satisfactory to even themselves.
(Also I did wind up finding StJobe did get some votes. Still surprised at how few though; I mean who else has found ways to break conceptions I've had based on what I could read on BT and do on Megamek? So far no one else has ever been able to directly disprove anything I've derived from a combination of the lore/fluff and the game.)
well, actually thats cuz you refuse to admit it's an optional Megamek heatscale rule for the overload/shutdown over threshold and not true TT.
Otherwise there would be TWO people.