ECM should prevent locks!
ECM however should not make the mech invisible!
ECM unless countered by TAG/BAP/CECM/PPC/NARC should
prevent locks from being acquired, how ever if that ECM covered-mech is in LOS then it should be able to be targeted, if targeted it's position should show on mini map and battle maps. ECM does not counter the good old MK1 Eyeball, issue 2 each. Our mechs certainly have basic visual ID systems available to them.
Information about the mechs condition is not known by targeting mech nor shared , just the variant name and letter designation.
A rather simple and elegant solution. is it not so?
ps if your weapon crosshair is not on the ECM mech, then it would not show hollow triangle, your crosshair is on ECM covered mech, you hit target key, that mech should then be targeted, and as above.
Edited by Abivard, 13 September 2014 - 12:03 PM.