That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
Love it!
In todays society of STBO, (search to be offended)...
I was searching for something? News to me, I just stumbled upon it. Wasn't particularly offensive, just stupid.
That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
...we have a young man...
38 is young? Um, ok, thanks, I guess.
That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
]...pointing out a young woman saying something thats not really offensive,...
Not really inoffensive, either.
That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
You thought THAT was funny?
Wow, you got crappy taste in humor.
That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
...but IF you were to change that to gay, a special needs, overweight, a race (any race) or religion......holy shtbiscuits, we'd have a riot!
Well, yeah, the point is to elimate the double standard. If I had told her to ST*U and get back in the kitchen and bring me a sammich, well, I suppose the fart joke loving crowd would find that funny, too. smh
That Dawg, on 11 October 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:
By the way, the dude is right, by strict politically correct rules in todays clutch my pearls society, what you said was sexist, and inappropriate.
I wasn't aware that saying one's plumbing does not limit or enhance one's mental faculties was "politically correct".