The Wakelord, on 16 September 2014 - 02:59 AM, said:
I vote against the council; in particular the council taking our requests & deciding which ones to pass on & which to ignore.
Council making their own cool events or giving out rewards (ala No Guts No Glory): awesome!
Council having any influence on the game: No. That should be designed by a company, not biased fans.
Many of the nominated players are the disenfranchised, bitter founders. The ones constantly saying how the game is horrible & unplayable while spending 3 hours a day having fun on it. I don't want those hypocrites ruining the game.
Especially if it is to make the ECM more true to old lore. Ie: Rules made for a turn-based, "mechwarrior tactics" tabletop game.
I vote for a poll system in game. A simple "answer this question and get 5MC (or something trivial)" -- The devs will then get positive, negative, apathetic & abstaining votes clearly.
tl;dr I vote against. Council has too much ego, not enough fairness. I prefer ingame poll.
What exactly do you think the council will be doing? They will be cataloging all kinds of suggestions for (in this case, ECM) and compiling the into a legible mechanical proposal, and the community, and devs will be able to follow up on it. The Council is not going to be making any decisions at all. The final say is with PGI. All the community needs to do, is making good suggestions. Which can, and has already been done. Instead of sending the devs on a wild goose chase where they keep making suggestions and polling people for them.
Bilaz, on 16 September 2014 - 03:07 AM, said:
Well i'm for one more in favor of direct votes on different matters, not in any gathering of community representatives. Units - sure they have structure, some kind of discipline, they more or less know other their people and have means of communication out of game - so they may trust one of their members to represent their opinions and such. Community as a whole is just a unorganised bunch of strangers - some dont read forums, some dont write in them - some here for a day, others have been there for years - so theres no structure, no responsibility, no way to get something back from delegate - so its bad idea i suppose.
From another point of view - imagine somene getting into said consul - pr campain, lots of text and work - gets to devs, shows his projects and/or campain promises and they say "cant be done" or "1.5 years from now - maybe". Then what - revolution, shitstorm?
So i''d rather vote for ideas, for targets, for implementations - not for people. For instance Russ says they want to change something so that we'll have incentive to do more lance on lance fighting and less hugging with whole team in more or less one spot - so we as a community may wote on that and bring out ideas or implementations how that can be done - from which pgi can sort out (with or without community help) more promicing ones and we can vote on them again. If we get needed majority - it goes our way, if not its as pgi desires. To me it seems more fair and logical than put all in hands of some random people, who may not even want (or able) to work with pgi in a constructive manner. How many presidents turned out to be complete <censored>?
I'm also ok with proven experts - champions - just person its its personal, or official representative from unit have a say that weights much more than my opinion on matters which they champions in - thus their input being much more valuable to pgi. Want your word to have more weight - prove it not by pr campain, but by playing the game.
The council's job will be to find these ideas, and better refine them. For example: Saying that lance on lance combat is something desire by the community, is actually not helpful in it's own right. However, finding mechanical rules, and compiling them in a more easy-to-access manner. Helps infinitely more. That's what the council will be doing.
Lanessar, on 16 September 2014 - 03:09 AM, said:
I've been involved with development for an online game before. "Player Councils" haven't ever worked per my experience, and this just ensures not everyone gets heard.
Technically, I guess, it's fundamentally like the House of Representatives. It's all fine and dandy until they start taking vacations paid for by special interests.
In all seriousness, though, it's not any sort of corruption or whatever that I fear. Honestly, the system itself is flawed, and people don't get heard. It would be better to have in-game surveys. In fact, there was a system for that during CBT already present. At least, I remember filling out surveys.
Perhaps it is time to polish up that code?
I assume by CBT you mean closed beta?
Can be confusing, since CBT is usually used to reference Classic BattleTech.