1453 R, on 14 September 2014 - 07:49 PM, said:
And how does having an extra conduit to voice our concerns and ideas to PGI hurt this process? Certainly we can't put together technical documents for them, and nobody sane is saying this task force will have any sort of decisive power within Piranha's structure. This task force isn't your tyrannical overlord, CN9 - they're your messengers, whose job it is to make sure that you're heard. They have no voting or decisive power at all, no power whatsoever. it's not a position of authority or privilege, it's a whole lot of sweaty, thankless work for no reward at all - except the knowledge that you helped the entire playerbase of MWO finally, finally, FINALLY have a meaningful conversation with Piranha.
How can we not want to have that conversation, man?
We don't need messengers when those messengers already post their opinions just fine, along with others.
In my opinion, all this will lead to is a sharper reaction from the community when something "they" want didn't get implemented, since it's supposed to be what the "community" wanted. The consumer will never know exactly what it wants, because it will never have access to all the information, particularly in something like MWO, where one thing can cause a mountain of glitches, and a burden on an already smaller department.
ArchMage Sparrowhawk, on 14 September 2014 - 07:46 PM, said:
Some are framing this as a once time group, specifically oriented for a particular task; which is, organizing the different views of the entire player-base into something that can be looked at and mined for applicable improvements to the function of ECM. And since ECM affects a lot of the gameplay (and this is indisputable.), other aspects of the game will need to be taken into account. This isn't an election, it's almost a thankless task, it bestows no prestige, and is all about the work and the task at hand. So lets stop worrying about popularity contests. This isn't student body president, it's more like class treasurer. and they aren't allowed to do anything without our votes anyway. So instead of vacillating, we need to move ahead.
Does anyone disagree? or can we get this Task Force ready for vote this week?
I disagree, no one likes a backseat driver. We known not neither their limitations, or means of implementations, for all we know they have already tried the things that have been suggested but cannot implement it either for server stress, ce3 limitatinos, or contract obligations. Nor would they be able to tell us if the contract requires them to not share that information.