Ovion, on 04 November 2014 - 01:09 AM, said:
I don't know why you'd want 4 of the same to be honest.
Yes, you'll get duplicates of some hanging / mounted items, but you'll be losing out on 9 colours and up to 15 camo unlocks. (and the same number of, admittedly different cockpit items).
That's losing out on a potential 27750MCs worth of stuff you paid for. That's over a $100 package of MC.
For 5000ishMCs worth of duplicate cockpit items.
Just seems like a bad value choice to me.
At this point, the colors are a total waste for me, as I already have my unit colors and also have "official" CGB colors included in the first choice I make, so the only thing I am losing out on are things that I have absolutely no use for. Think of it like all that "bundleware" you get when you buy a computer from a retail store: sure, it costs lots of money if you bought it all separately, but if you do not use it, the value of it is zero. If, instead, they say you can have your choice of what you get in the bundle, is that not a much better value to you?
I already have a bunch of IS and non-CGB items in my cockpit inventory: they are useless to me. Why would I want even more items that have zero value to me, when I can instead get a copy of the ones I DO use and put them in all of my most used mechs?
TamerSA, on 04 November 2014 - 01:10 AM, said:
Wait what?... I thought that when you choose faction content, you get everything for that faction.
So, for example if I only buy the Koshi collection, I get to pick one faction's content for my mechs.
But if I bought Man O War (which I did) then I get all 4 factions' content.
From your post and what Russ said.... it doesn't sound like it will work that way

You CAN pick one of each faction, yes, but what this allows us loyal faction players to do is choose the same set multiple times to get multiple copies of what we will actually use.
Think of it like that "value pack" of pudding that has your favorite flavor and three other favors that turn your stomach, thereby having 3/4 of your purchase wasted on something you will never eat. Would it not be better to have a "value pack" that just has your favorite in it?