Edit: Found the correct reference.
Joseph Mallan, on 16 September 2014 - 07:39 AM, said:
That isn't necessarily a bad thing Koniving.
Oh I know.
But that's what a lot of ECM defenders are afraid of.
"ECM will be useless."
Personally, I like this specific feature of ECM.
Read on Sarna, and in the rulebooks (under Tech Manual 3050 Revised Pg. 196 [not TacOps; had them mixed up]) I acquired, that ECM affects thermal, magscan, Seismic sensor, etc.
Tested on megamek, it works in double blind rules against all 3 (which btw some mechs have this, that, the other, some mechs have all 3...)
So here's what happens.
Within 180 meters, Seismic Sensor either (...and I have no idea what this depends on) gives no data (you're not stomping around even though you are) or it gives false readings (you're completely surrounded, panic mode time!)
Within 180 meters, Thermal displays NOTHING, NOWHERE. Apparently it scrambles thermal vision. You become blind until you turn it off. But if we go by the "only BAP can tell if jamming is occurring," then rather than scramble the image it removes all thermal signatures. Personally I'd rather know if thermal stops working by having the image scrambled.
Within 180 meters, MAGSCAN. If an ECM is within 180 meters, MAGSCAN ceases to function as intended, no longer providing you with the ability to see through walls.
It's kind of a shame that BAP in its full tabletop functionality isn't here. If it was, then (to simulate the many failed rolls before a successful one), every so often you could do a BAP scan. This, would be like a UAV that lasts 10 seconds, within 1,000 meters around yourself, allowing you to detect every enemy within 32 hexes (1,020 meters) regardless of line of sight, elevation, above or below ground, etc, so long as they are within a 1,020 meter sphere of you.
This also explains why ECM hard counters BAP (only at close range), even disabling its ability to detect shutdown mechs. However, BAP users are fully aware of jamming [unlike most mechs who supposedly will not know they are jammed until they try something that is jammed].
Interestingly enough through everything I dug up, an LRM's intended long-range for locks is actually 630 meters, and anything beyond that LRMs are very unlikely hit, but can reach out to 1,020 meters before they cut off entirely. This requires an extremely high gunnery skil to pull off and I suspect that is more of a "no lock on guess-work shot' than 'an acquired lock'.
As for the guy who said to remove LRM's high ballistic angle...
According to the core rulebook, the reason IS LRMs have a 180 meter minimum range to hit penalty has nothing to do with missiles not working at 180 meters and everything to do with the fact that to achieve their 630 and up ranges, they are fired toward the sky and come straight down. (In other words if done like this, the only reason LRMs would have difficulty hitting closer is because LRMs do not fire straight forward. Thus full damage at 0 meters, provided the missiles can come downward fast enough from the launchers to hit).
Clan LRMs on the other hand fire straight forward but can be arched up into the air. Supposedly, Clan LRMs are not as effective at indirect fire over obstacles (as this 1] goes against Clan mentality and is borderline cowardice and 2] it is not feasibly possible for most torso mounted launchers to fire at such an angle; which is why mechs like the Adder have LRMs mounted on the arms when it otherwise makes absolutely no sense with MWO's design).
So there's a tidbit of LRM balancing even if off topic. Creates two entirely different mentalities for the use of LRMs, and all it took was reading 3 pages in two different rule books.
Edited by Koniving, 18 September 2014 - 05:54 AM.