GRiPSViGiL, on 18 September 2014 - 02:13 PM, said:
I was around when the CB nerf happened. That is just more irrelevant complaining. Plenty of things to offset the amount of time it takes to grind out mechs for CB. I have always carried premium time because I know I don't have the time to play to earn CB enough to buy and customize all the mechs I want and I am okay with that. I also have bought all the Mech packs because I do not have the time to grind out the CB to buy all the ones I want nor do I want to wait for their release. I have made those purchases because I do not want to wait. The amount of time it takes to get stuff for free is more than I am willing to take on. That doesn't mean it costs to much or it I should get more for my initial purchases. Plenty of people operate the way I do happily. In fact I have a gold summoner and perform just fine in it considering its faults. I did that in spite of people like you who who complain about not getting stuff for free and have this entitlement attitude you do.
Your complaint is like someone who complains that they can't get a job because illegals are taking all the jobs yet you are not willing to do the job the illegals are at the same time. Are you willing to work for a lawn service or be a fruit/vegetable picker?
To top it off you bring up P2W as a limited time occurance, lol. Which doesn't exist since you can buy EVERYTHING anyone who spends real money does eventually for CB. Just because people bought clan packs did not just make them a better player instantly. There is more to it than just buying a mech for real dollars.
Just because you don't have the time or are not willing to do the works others are doesn't mean the cost is unfair. The price point was put at a place they thought would generate the sales they have or else they would have been lowered. You think it is to expensive. Nothing wrong there, don't pay the price. Many have and many will. Acting like your initial purchase should have gotten you more and then complaining about the time it takes to play for free when presented with that option is a very flawed and easily deconstructed argument. Oh and GG trying to act smart with a few simple words you linked definitions to. My pat on the back came when you made yourself look foolish with your own words.
I'm not quite sure where you got 'entitled' from out of all I said, but sure, let's address it.
In general, the F2P model is a ripoff for the consumer. The exceptions to this tend to be MOBAs, because their mechanics lend themselves to it. You will by far pay more in a F2P situation than you would in a traditional boxed game and/or subscription model. Personally, I prefer the subscription model and played PS1 for years (for reference, and the sub fee went down but we'll estimate high anyway, 3 years at $15 a month is $540). And I do think MWO should have some sort of subscription model (perhaps similar to what SW:TOR does now).
But anyway, let's take you for instance. You do not wish to have to grind things out so you pay money. By your account, you have bought all the Mech Packs. I don't know at what level, but you did mention a gold Summoner, so it has to be at the very least something like $720; and that doesn't include any MC in addition for premium time, which you said you always have, and then any additional Mech Bays (if needed). (Also for reference, this game hasn't been out of open beta for 2 years yet - the time of the last reset.)
Then me, for instance. I paid $60 for Founders and then put in another $15 later on. I dropped ~4500 matches before quitting. While it may not be a lot now, it was well above average when I quit more than ~1.75 years ago. What it comes down to is I don't think people should have to continually pay that much, and not every ~6 months, to play. But more on this a little bit further down.
As for price point, it's very similar to a movie theater concession stand - there I don't disagree. While, sticking with this example, I don't buy food/items from them, people do; and if the operators thought a different approach would make them more money, I'm sure they would do that instead.
However, whereas you think it's fine to spend that much money that often on MWO, others don't. It doesn't make you wrong, or them wrong; but MWO isn't exactly swimming in players, either (or retaining new players, which was part of my original point). If you (and others who share the same view) think it's worth the money to spend that much on this game, that's entirely and completely fine. I'm not telling you what you should like or where you should spend your money. But what I don't know is why you expect
everyone to spend that much, and if they don't, or don't want to, that somehow makes them entitled. Here is a question: How much does someone
need to spend before they are no longer considered entitled?
As for the P2W stuff, as far as I understand the English language (which hopefully I won't look foolish again!), if you have to wait for a Mech to become available via C-Bills, a Mech that is better than other Mechs currently out (which is why there were already nerfs, and likely more to come - especially when they were first available for C-Bills, lol), that seems an awful lot like a
limited time occurrence to me.
'Becoming instantly better' is akin to having a good computer and internet connection. It doesn't automatically make you good at games, no, but it enables you to be good at them - much better than someone who has (by degrees/gradation) an inferior setup. Will the Mechs be available for C-Bills? Yes. Does everyone who paid money to get 'early access' get to trounce on those who didn't? Yes. And, this was not even the point in my original bullet list and was only brought up because you brought it up.
Which, and to quote from my second post, "And finally, while I don't personally agree with having the lag time between buying Mechs for real world currency and them being available for in game currency, I understand that it's probably a good way to generate income with limited time P2W. However, that's not even what the point was about (as demonstrated above)."