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Forlorn Hope Mercenaries

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#1 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 06:17 AM

Our unit history:

It was in the days of the musket, when warfare spanned the continents of Terra, that The Forlorn Hope were born. A unit of volunteers, it was their mission to lead the first assaulting wave against enemy positions, and seize a foothold that could be exploited by reinforcements. Due to the drastically low life expectancy of each Forlorn, any soldier who joined their ranks was guaranteed military honors and promotion upon surviving the assault. Despite the risk, it was this promise of glory that drew many to the task, causing fierce competition between units and their commanders. Though the majority did not return from the field, it was their courage alone that spared many comrades from similar fates.
It is in memory of these brave souls we took up their mantle, and lead the charge against all foes whom would stand before us. The Forlorn Hope is a mercenary company that accepts anyone from any level of society. Many enlist to seek redemption for various sins or to regain honor lost on distant battlefields. Others join for the glory, and The Forlorn Hope accepts them all the same.
Before the recruit officially joins, and enters the ranks of a training company, they undergo a symbolic "funeral" where last goodbyes are spoken to friends and relatives and all ties to their former factions are cut. It begins with the burning of all personal belongings that arrived with the recruit, and ends by taking an oath, swearing allegiance to The Forlorn Hope. This ritual clears the MechWarrior's name of any past sins or dishonorable deeds, and affords them the chance to prove themselves upon the field of battle through courageous acts and an honorable death.
Sworn to lead the charge, The Forlorn Hope will accept any contract that allows the opportunity for honorable combat and a glorious death. Clan or Inner Sphere, the Forlorn Hope makes no distinction between either; each providing redemption and glory by fire. However, any operations that involve the murder of innocents or the destruction of sacred sites will not be accepted, as these are considered dishonorable acts unfit for true warriors.

Where we can be found: http://forlornhopemercs.enjin.com/

When we play: primarily NA time zone evenings, with company practices on Sundays at 7-9pm MT

What we are looking for: Pilots that are interested in a Community Warfare focused unit. We accept all skill levels and strive to constantly improve. We focus on having fun, and teamwork. We accept applicants on personality and how well they mesh with the existing unit, therefore: a**hats need not apply.

Edit: we are often found on the Comstar NA TS3 server, feel free to drop in and say hello!

Edited by Wolf Clearwater, 26 March 2015 - 06:21 AM.

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