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Balancing Clan And Is With Psychology


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#1 Herbert Daring Dashwood


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Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:24 PM


Valves game "Dota 2" is quite well known for the extreme levels of rage present in game. This presented Valve with a quandary, ban out, or separate, ragey players and risk splitting the player-base an degenerating the overall quality of matchmaking, not to mention alienating players or allowing it to continue, scaring away new players.

Valve chose a third option, they have introduced surveys at the end of games asking players to rate the friendliness and overall performance of people they played with. Apparently it's having results.

To how working the psychoses of players can help MWO.

The problem with "Balancing" the clans is a tough one, if you nerf them too much there's basically nothing to separate them from IS, if you leave them too buffed they'll stomp every game. One good solution is 10 vs 12, but I honestly think disparities in teams will tip the game in favor of IS, especially at higher levels where co-ordination is more prevalent.

So, how about using XP and Cbill rewards to encourage different behaviors? Say Clan players get large rewards for kills, even larger if there were no assists, and lower rewards for "Savior" kills, spotting etc etc etc, whereas for IS, you get bonuses for assists, spotting and savior kills etc etc etc. Lower the reward for Clan mechs in presence of large numbers of other mechs whilst doing the opposite for IS mechs.

Thoughts, Ideas?

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