Creovex, on 20 September 2014 - 07:22 AM, said:
As for consumables... I view them as something that should be more strategic then damaging... I love the UAVS and encourage things like say
--- "Night Flare" - Use on a night map to flash a nightvision mechs for say 5 seconds
---"Decoy" - drops heat vision decoys for 10 seconds...
--- etc....
AC20s do terrible things to lights as well. In game I shoot spiders with alphas constantly, must be a bad shot because they seem to still kill me. Lights move fast. The mines are visible and with BAP detectable. If you run into a minefield deliberately well I guess there may be some reason for it. If you run into a minefield unknowingly you were not paying attention to the environment. When deploying the delay is 8 seconds, 4 seconds before the mines are visible and 4 seconds after. Lights travel very far in 8 seconds. Direwolfs do not. Good thing a direwolf has more armor in it's legs then a raven has armor.