How about to integrate a 13th player to a match who only have the satellite view of the battlefield (battlegrid) with more possibilities to place commands and waypoints on the battlegrid of the Mechwarriors? It frees up the former commander in field to concentrate on the match and more tactical oriented gamer can do the tactical part without driving a mech.
What are the tools of a Tactical Operator?
- he see the complete battlegrid, like the ingamemap pushing "B".
- he can zoom into the map
- he have a toolbar with a range of functions
- he get the same information about spottet enemies and of his team
- he can regroup the lances
- he can chat ingame
- he can measure distances between two marked spots
- he can the the estimated time of arrival , if a Mech follows a waypoint
What is his duty during a match?
1) placing and removing waypoints (including timeframesettings):
- for individuals
- lances and
- whole battlegroup
2) placing and removing tasks on the battlegrid (like today) (including timeframesettings):
- defending a place,
- attacking from an area (in 60 seconds)
- new: defining scouting areas (for 45 seconds) or scouting by waypoints
3) marking enemies for prime target
4) Use of arty and airstrikes:
- When an operator (13th player) is attached to a battlegroup, he is the only one who can place artillery and airstrikes. He uses the inbuild Consumables of his battlegroup, so it is possible, that he doesn't have any arty/air or can use up to 12. The used Consumables are payed by an even splitt between all 13 Players in CBills. MC Consumables only can get used by the Mechwarrior himself
- Arty/Airstrikes only can get used within 250m near a spotted enemy or within 500m of a friendly Mechwarrior (because of Line of sight troubles and against extemly high accurate placing of strikes)
5) Gaining XP:
- when Mechwarriors follow waypoints
- when Mechwarriors fullfill tasks (for example the command: defend area for X seconds. When a Mechwarrior stays in the area, the comander gain an amount of XP, and a defined amount for the Mechwarrior)
- When there is an attack command, and a Mechwarrior attacks from the Postion he gets an amount of XP of the damage.
6) Using XP:
- Gaining GXP like a mechwarrior
- get an extra skill tree for commanding, like faster incoming strikes, greater area of placing a strike, use of "UAVs" on his demand for spotting (like a modul), faster target aquisition for the whole battlegroup... there are plently of possibilities for skills
Edited by TanE, 24 September 2014 - 06:28 AM.