Jakob Knight, on 26 September 2014 - 03:00 AM, said:
As far as I can see, the problem people seem to have is that contract times are too long. Whilst I agree that this is certainly a matter of opinion and something to discuss, I just wanted to show that the planned approach is actually very much in line with existing Battletech lore, which is the opposite of what some merc players are claiming.
Plus, you need to consider the implications of what it means to fight against someone's forces. Whilst there are indeed some few mercenary units that, over the course of their long history, have fought for every single Great House, this is not the norm and requires (1) significant "peace time" between the mercs and said future employer and (2) the merc unit to appear sufficiently desirable in order to have officials overlook them once having fought against them.
Imagine deploying a regiment of troops next to another and expecting them to work together when both sides are responsible for casualties on the other. You don't fight against Kurita on one week and get hired by them in the next. That's just ... not how it works. Or rather, not how it should work.
Jakob Knight, on 26 September 2014 - 03:00 AM, said:
Also consider that in the current plans for CW, mercenary units are effectively just House units by another name. This is not what "we" wanted, but it's what we are going to get due to plans apparently having been scaled down and the entire system getting simplified. Though personally I don't plan on ever changing factions, it would actually be an unfair advantage if only merc players were allowed to choose a different allegiance, considering that they do not have any disadvantages compared to House players.
Jakob Knight, on 26 September 2014 - 03:00 AM, said:
Jakob Knight, on 26 September 2014 - 03:00 AM, said:
Unfortunately, this is hardly the first time that MWO didn't quite deliver, but you will find that things become much easier to bear if you would lower your expectations. It just seems they bit off more than they could chew at first, but at least they are communicating more openly now and we start to see what actually seems possible with this studio.
Ultimately, we have no other choice than to work with what we are given. If you want improvement, focus on suggesting minor changes that are very easy to implement, and try to justify or at least accept everything else as a fact of life. Demands about half the game being rewritten will only result in frustration for everyone involved, fan and developer alike.
I'm still waiting for a better-looking and more intuitive UI (imho 1.5 was the best so far) and female pilot models (it's funny how Elite Dangerous managed to achieve this during Alpha), but it won't keep me from returning to the cockpit once CW hits to at least give it a try, as I've been waiting a very long time for this aspect of the game.
Keep Calm and Pilot Mechs.
JagdFlanker, on 26 September 2014 - 03:04 AM, said:

Edited by Kyone Akashi, 26 September 2014 - 05:57 AM.