VagGR, on 25 September 2014 - 05:36 AM, said:
they BOTH have to pay attention around them. Also keep in mind thet not all people that run infront of a dwolf are deprs. have you considered that the may not had a choice? in that case the derp is the dwolf who didnt stop firing because "OMG I'M DIREWOLF WITH 32AC5S DAKAKADAKAKA MUST SHOOOOT THE RED THINGY CLICK CLICK CLICK"...
so situational awereness goes both ways and both are to blame
Well the example i have in mind and i hope i've painted it pretty clearly, the mechs who got tk'ed could have kept going the right hand side of the building instead of the left, we where up 9-3 and the only mech left was the direwolf and the other 2 enemey mechs where up at the saddle in crimson straight and i was coming from the side tunnel entrance towards the ramp and was up in the city heading towards the enemy when the friendly mech could have safely without taking fire gone right and move in from the flank BUT then he might have not gotten the kill shot he was chasing.
so by chasing the killsteal he tooko a volley in the back rather than play tactical, is that the dakka dakka fault then? If your doubled shot and your volley is in flight how can it be the dakka dakka wolf's fault you moved into the establised fire path when he had started going toe to toe with the other direwolf and had shredded it so it was about to die?
does your right to attempt the kill steal mean that they can magicall change the projectile path once there already in flight?
I find it interesting how people can think the dakka dakka can do anything once the shots are in mid flight.
If anyone can tell me how to avoid this i'd love to know how, cause to my knowledge once the projectiles are in lfight they will damage the 1st thing they hit,
now i will add with lasers mid burn i can move the focus point ot the air or ground and avoid the damage but in my dakka dakka wolf it's like nothing i can do or ani missing something?