Deathlike, on 26 September 2014 - 02:17 PM, said:
Run one of the trial mechs... ideally one you have an equivalent elited out or mastered version of the same variant. Build your mech the same/similar to the trial mech.
Play the trial mech for a bit. Try to win 5 games with it (it is an achievement believe it or not when you accomplish this).
Play the mech you own for a bit. Try to win 5 games with it.
See how differently you feel about the trial mech vs the similar mech you put together.
That is how drastic the game looks to the newbie vs that guy that has that mech mastered out.
Just completed this experiment.
My thoughts are pretty brief. The skill tree is pointless, and the only part about trial mechs that are clearly lacking, is the bad designs.
I did it with an Atlas, and with a Spider. I have a Banshee and a long while ago I mastered a locust. The Atlas was poo not because of the things the skill tree effects, but simply because of a diverse loadout. The Gauss is meh, and the lrms are meh, you want one or the other. My Banshee doesnt perform any better, it just has a 53 point alpha.
Now the spider isnt a bad design. Instead of trying to SRM people in the back, im sniping with the LL and engaging when the brawls happen and im the least important target. Basically the same run down. It seemed mildly more sluggish than the mastered locust. Not a game changer by any stretch of the imagination.
I dont see any reason to master a chassis other than your own personal enjoyment. Its not bringing you any real advantage. A great loadout (a great alpha) is the most important thing and you dont need to master something for that. If you dont want to grind out bad variants, or just dont want to grind for whatever reason...dont bother with it. The first section with the anchor turn and arm movement is all you need.
A better experiment would be a stock mech mastered vs the same stock mech, unskilled.
Its not a huge difference though id expect. The important thing really is the speed change thing in the first rung so you can pop out and back into cover as quickly as the other guy, otherwise youre at risk of losing the trading shots bout.
Edited by KraftySOT, 27 September 2014 - 05:57 PM.