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Bastion Vs Aggressor Clans

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#1 PaintedWolf


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 07:04 PM

Which one would you agree with and why?

#2 Will9761


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 10:43 AM

Neither, they abandoned the way of the Founder and views of the Great Father.

#3 pbiggz


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 11:10 AM

This is weird Dark Age era stuff, but bastion is just an angry version of warden, and aggressor is an angrier (if that is possible) version of crusader. If I had to pick, bastion, but I have always been a TRUE warden.

#4 PaintedWolf


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 08:47 PM


As of 3090, new political philosophies had taken root in the Clan Homeworlds, inspired by the writings of the fallen Clan Star Adder Khan Stanislov N'Buta. Both ideologies were born as a reaction to and in direct opposition of the strife and politics of the previous era. Since the Wars of Reaving, Clan politics had profoundly shifted away from the older internal Crusader-Warden conflicts that led up to Operation Revival. The warriors of the Clan Homeworlds felt that the Invading Clans' philosophies and politics were irredeemably tainted by their contact with the Inner Sphere, strong Clans that were weakened and rotted from the inside out. The first of these new groups was called the Bastions. This new political movement espoused the need for the Clans to be pure of spirit, and to live by the Honor Road in order to overcome the Inner Sphere in any renewed invasion. The Bastions movement would also generate its own offshoot with which to contend. Called the Aggressors, they tend to be younger generation warriors who possess a much more straight-forward (and brutal) approach to the future renewed invasion, inspired by the style of warfare that had wrought so much destruction in the Homeworlds during the previous decades.[5]


What does that mean the Aggressors want to use Homeworld style warfare in the Inner Sphere?

Edited by PaintedWolf, 08 March 2014 - 08:48 PM.

#5 Will9761


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 08:53 PM

The aggressor philosophy is basically like the Smoke Jaguars on Turtle Bay.

#6 Will9761


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 02:19 PM

Post Wars of Reaving, I assume that the remaining homeworld clans have changed into these philosophies.

Clan Star Adder- Bastion
Clan Stone Lion- Aggressor
Clan Cloud Cobra- Bastion
Clan Coyote- Bastion

#7 VoodooLou Kerensky


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 05:14 PM

Neither Clan Black Sheep believes in being Conquerors, not Wardens tho we will teach the Spheroids the error of their ways but we will not mommy coddle them. Neither are we Crusaders, we are not looking to eliminate them wholesale just because they dont completely follow our beliefs. But once we are in charge they will comply with the Laws and Judgements handed down to them, just as their current Leadership is doing now.

#8 Asheron Storm


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:46 AM

The Bastions believe in Clan honor while the Aggressors believe in "total war".

Cloud Cobra is, and has always been, a loyal adherent of "The Way", which is the progenitor philosophy of both the Bastions and Aggressors. Their following of "The Way" has always been inscrutable and superceded political divisions, causing Cloud Cobra to be nominally moderate. It is most likely that there are cloisters of each alignment within the clan, but the clan as a whole is not devoted to either cause. In fact the Clan maintains secret alliances with most of the inner-sphere Clans, which means they can't possibly be loyal adherents of either emerging philosophy


#9 Fakirzoran


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:07 AM

Neither we take anyone...Dark Caste all the way.

#10 _Comrade_


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:12 PM

neither cause this isn't the dark age

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