Not wanting to abuse the group que of pug groups looking to see if any others are interested working their bugs out also.
Wanting to scrim to work out efficiency in possible: (we are clanners)
For possible currently proposed CW matches:
12clan vs 12 clan
12clan vs 12 is
For possible tournament drops:
8v8 or 12v12 (would just need to know desired mechs and weights in advance)
If this isn't in the right place or you know a better place for me to look please let me know.
Reply here of PM me if you are interested or know of a group we may be interested in contacting. thx
*Is mainly NA group. Tuesday and Thursdays 2100 est is our usual dedicated nights, but can be flexible on days if coordinated in advance.
Edited by Mickey Knoxx, 03 October 2014 - 09:35 AM.