Current spec:
Core i5 3790K running at 4.3 ghz
8GB ram
older 500 Watt PSU
SSD... blah blah
geforce 660
Game at 1080P on a nice'ish monitor, probably not getting a new monitor anytime soon, so likely going to stick with 1080
I'm thinking I should likely invest in a new PSU as well, it's a 3 or 4 year old Antec 500, have something like a 750W for about a $100 already which sucks cause that factors into the overall spend.
Can get either a His ICEqx2 R9 390 or an EVGA 970 for basically the same money. There is a rather sweet looking deal on a 680 ROG Poseidon (Water or air cooling) for about $250 more than the 390 or 970. I'm inclined to think the 980 is overkill for 1080P though and a little bit of a waste though....
Right now MWO is like the only game I play on PC but that could change over the next year, who knows... I've gone back and forth over the years being a Radeon fanboy or a Geforce fanboy. I can't help right now that maybe Red has an advantage over Green at this moment in time with some of their products, in particular the 8GB 390 over the 4GB 970...
Does MWO really perform significantly better on Nvidia hardware over the AMD?
I'm thinking the 390 is a better buy for me over the 970, yeah?
Thanks for your .02....
FYI the prices I'm looking at are $450 CAD for either the HIS 390 or EVGA SSC 970....
but that ROG Posiedon 980 looks pretty sweet for $620 and if I don't need to buy a new PSU....
Nvidia specs say the 980 uses 145W whereas the 970 is rated for 165W. Go figure...
I am tempted now, skip the power supply, stay with 8GB ram and spring for the 980 and don't OC it just to keep my older PSU happy....
Edited by BigBadVlad, 13 February 2016 - 11:56 AM.