Alright folks, I am back playing MWO after a very long absence. Now, I love MWO and back when it was in beta I happily paid for the Legendary Founders pack, and played for a month or so before real life issues forced me to stop playing until a month ago.
Now, returning to the game the dev's have made some REALLY good changes and additions to the game.
Bitching Betty – How did they NOT have this from the start? It is so Mechwarrior.
Clan Mechs – Great additions, but not without their pitfalls
Updated UI – again, a two edged sword
Premium Mechs – A great way to make money, as well as offering unique Mechs for players.
However, there are some things that I had hoped would have been added to the game by this point.
and 2. I have heard from people that I have played with that you lose any points you may have earned if you die and then leave the match. Ok, why? That sounds like a way to tick people off rather than solve any problems (are there?). What happens if I die early but hit/injured mechs in the process. Why would I want to stay around for many more minuets doing nothing when I could be searching for another match in another mech. Along the same lines – why isn't there an end of match summary when you do leave the match early? Every good F2P has some type of end of match summary in the main interface – without having to stay in the match. It doesn't have to be detailed, just a summary of earned credits, costs, and how much exp was earned.
Why are Clan mechs so much more powerful than IS mechs? Ok, given, on the road map they are going to tweak IS mechs by adding quirks, but for right now, why would anyone ever play with them if they had the choice not to?
Clunky interface. Right now there are just to many mouse clicks and movements to do anything. Just think of modding and tweaking mechs – adding and rearranging weapons and ammo and such. An example of how to fix it is to show the entire mech (not just an arm, torso, etc) and then you can select all the energy weapons and add them, ballistic weapons, ammo, etc. Right now you click on a location, then the item to be added and repeat the action for every mech location.
After a year, why isn't there more done? I ask you to look at War Thunder, World of Tanks/Warplanes two other decent F2P games. Look at all that they have done in a year compared to this game.
Let it be known - I am here for the long haul now that I am able to play frequently. I am just offering comments from someone who doesn't know - and would like answers.