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New Engine Type And New Map

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Poll: Feedback? (23 member(s) have cast votes)

Is a Reactor class engine a good idea?

  1. Yes, absolutely (1 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

  2. Yes, but with more refined details. (2 votes [8.70%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.70%

  3. Either way is fine. (1 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

  4. No, but maybe if we modified what we have now (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. Not in the slightest. (19 votes [82.61%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 82.61%

Is the map a good idea?

  1. Yes! (3 votes [13.04%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.04%

  2. Yes, with more refinement. (5 votes [21.74%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 21.74%

  3. Indifferent. (3 votes [13.04%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.04%

  4. No, but I like the general idea. (1 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

  5. Absolutely not. (11 votes [47.83%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 47.83%

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#1 wamX


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 08:18 PM

This has a lot of words. Sorry :(

So I love building 'mechs to no end so I feel that we need a third engine class, maybe one that makes the 40 foot tank you are walking around in feel more deadly. (maybe)

Thus I propose the Reactor Engine Variant

STD engines sit in the CT like always, and XL's have their locations as well.
REA engines sit in only the CT like a standard engine, but weigh as much as a XL engine.

Now to perhaps balance that out, Say a (just go with the values for now for simplicity sake)
STD 200 Engine costs 1,000,000 Cbills and an XL 200 costs 2,500,000 c-bills make a REA 200 engine cost 6,000,000 to limit its usage by cost alone, allowing only pilots that are devoted to their mech aquire it.

Step 2 to balance it out: Reactors are volatile if destroyed, perhaps state that if the engine were to be destroyed, it would detonate causing splash damage in a sized radius around the fallen mech that could cause team damage, making it a little less attractive to mount onto the mech. This detonation would allow the "going critical" lightshow that many people fondly hold in their hearts without nuking the battlefield and keeping the mech "still repairable" (Because our lovely MechBay engineers are gods at their job that they can take the leg actuator on Tuesday and have the full atlas back in combat condition the following Monday.) This warning could be labled like the low signal icon for ECM with a radioactive symbol, alerting both teammates to attempt to protect from a safe distance, while giving meaning to a target for the enemy.

Enough of the engine, how about a map as well

We all have our favorite maps. I'm sure terra therma makes no ones list. So, we need a terra...cryo or something to that name (Terra Cryo for now). Since we don't have the option of choosing where we drop, why not balance the heat spectrum.

Terra Cryo would have the following features:

-The ENTIRE map is ice, not like frozen city ice but ICCCCCEEEEE.

-An ambient temperature so low that standing still and NOT GENERATING HEAT actually damages the electronics and systems inside a 'mech, forcing all those pesky LRM boat campers to KEEP MOVING. A player could receive a coolant warning meaning that the systems are too cold, and when life-support shuts down, you better hope you can hold your breath.

-Heat sink efficiency goes to say... 500% (so the dire wolf with 6PPC's practically CANT overheat)

-Surface gravity goes to 1.9 due to the dense complexion of the planet or that missiles just cant work for so long outside their cozy mech. (the number is debatable)

-Vision could be impacted as well, but that is up for discussion or map designers. I don't 100% know.

Thanks for reading :)

#2 The Massive


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:12 AM

C-Bills are only a limitation to poorer/lesser/infrequent/noob players. Your reactor engine idea would only increase the gap between noobs and pros.

Reactor critical explosions often come up in the forums. Opinions are mixed.

Is a Reactor engine even cannon? If not there's no chance.

New maps are always good though.

#3 Nightshade24


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 03:15 AM

Maybe instead of different engines maybe ask for XL gyro instead? or (forgot the name, but it means smaller cockpit, meaning larger weapons can fit in head for head weapon hardpoints)

#4 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 03:20 AM

its a madeup non canon thing

#5 Peter2k


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 03:26 AM

There are canon engines of different types as well.
A light xl engine, a heavy engine and I think even some more, can't remember so well.
Though sarna is you're friend there.
I think the light xl engine was lighter, and you can survive the loss of one side, but it bled heat a lot more.
It's probably more a timeline thing.

#6 Airwolf


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 08:27 AM

LOL ... I can just see it now ... I run full speed into the middle of the enemy team ... drop an arty at my feet ... then my REA engine goes critical, explodes and does damage to all nearby mechs ... BEWARE MY KAMIKAZE COMMANDO !!!!! <grin>

#7 Durant Carlyle


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:15 PM

All 'Mech engines are fusion reactors. Having an engine category called "Reactor" makes no sense.

Standard engines are the standard. XL engines have cooling systems that weigh less but take up more critical spaces.

These might be valid options if they ignore the timeline:

Compact engines take up half of the critical slots of a Standard engine. They weigh 50% more than a Standard engine. Good for those who want more critical slots.

Light engines take up two critical slots in each side torso. They reduce the base engine weight by 25%. Good for those who want Clan XL survivability.

XXL engines take up twice the number of critical slots in each side torso as an XL engine. They reduce the base engine weight by 66%. They also produce more heat due to using the bare minimum of shielding. Good for those who need to save more weight for weapons.


And I will always vote NO to Stackpoling.

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