Kmieciu, on 07 October 2014 - 10:45 PM, said:
Dude, you really don't know why all the competitive players run TBR-C ? I think there is no point in arguing anymore.
You can even put 7 energy on a Stormcrow. But you cannot boat lasers on a Summoner. That's one of the reasons why it sucks.
You can even put 7 energy on a Stormcrow. But you cannot boat lasers on a Summoner. That's one of the reasons why it sucks.
I stand corrected, forgot about that ST pod.
ExoForce, on 08 October 2014 - 11:28 AM, said:
I never thought that unlocking skills will increase heat sink dissipation above 2.
I thought they were *nerfed* before unlocking skills, and normal value after unlock...
I never thought that unlocking skills will increase heat sink dissipation above 2.
I thought they were *nerfed* before unlocking skills, and normal value after unlock...
I misplace the post where koniving actually goes through doing the math.
Even while they are at 1.4, with double basics, and the increased threshold it doesn't really matter if they were 1.4. With a heat cap of 30, sure, but when most mechs average a cap of 60+ they are still performing better than 2.0 DHS.