The Moon Hare, on 07 October 2014 - 07:26 AM, said:
So I have found this game I like but every body on the forums of this game seem to hate the game or the game makers . The scuttle butt is that the user base is so low that the game can't last .
Is this game going to last long enough for me to put some effort into getting any good with it ?
Short answer; yes, and you shouldn't listen to the naysayers. But if you'll bear with me, I can explain why in more depth:
This game is different from many games you may have played before in that BattleTech was a significant component of many players' early gaming experience. Dating back from the 1980s, BattleTech/MechWarrior was a part of many of our childhoods in a day and age when gaming of any kind was a much smaller subculture than it is today. Thus, many players feel an intense, nostalgia-driven loyalty to the BattleTech/Mechwarrior universe - or at least, the universe as
they envision it.
Then there was the slow pace of development - PGI had intended to have Community Warfare introduced literally YEARS ago, if I recall correctly (give or take a few months,) but unforseen problems with the game engine put CW on the back burner. Past a certain point, some players decided that they were no longer obliged to be reasonable, and relations with a smallish - but
very vocal - fraction of the
forum (not player) population turned increasingly acrimonious. There was melodrama, there were tantrums, there were bans. That's what
These Two PGI posts are related to.
So what occurred was that players who were - not without reason - impatient with the development of the game allowed their feelings of loyalty to the universe to turn into feelings of
ownership of that universe.
Their opinion of as to whether or not this or that individual design decision or game mechanic was Real BattleTech
tm became authoritative in their own eyes - as well as the real reason for anything and everything they felt was wrong with the game. Reasoning then became circular: what was wrong with the game were development decisions that had made the game Not Real BattleTech,tm and anything that was Not Real BattleTech
tm became what was wrong with the game. Eventually, logic became so muddled that being dissatisfied with the game became a fact they were reasoning from - not a conclusion based on the facts.
Some of these players are very vocal about their opinions - but being loud does not make one correct, or even sincere. There are posters who will try to give you the impression that the game is "failing," and you shouldn't waste your time. Yet those players have often been playing sinceclosed beta, and
they're still here! Still others have been seen posting diatribes and bashing the game when they themselves haven't played for months - or even years. To be blunt, these people are fools, hypocrites or both. How do they know how enjoyable the game is without playing it? Or if they've been playing all this time, they're obviously getting something out of the game - say "I put too much into the game to leave, but I hate playing it" and you will be justly mocked by any freshman economics student worth his salt.
There are players with legitimate, reasoned complaints out there - but these people aren't the ones who bash the game and try to
scare new players into leaving the game before they've gotten to know it. Entertainment is a highly subjective media, and if you like the game - as you do - by all means spend time playing it until it's not fun any more; and if that time comes, bid it a fond farewell and move on to something else.
Welcome to MWO - and thanks for staying.
Edited by Void Angel, 08 October 2014 - 08:22 PM.