These small fixes will greatly improve the everyday user experience, and each can be implemented by one programmer in less than an hour.
#1 Mech Details button
Why is it so far over to the right? The mouse travel is crazy. When in the store you have to click on the mech, then move all the way over to the right to click details, then all the way over to the left again to click back. Why not put a Mech Details button next to the buy/configure button?

#2 Mech Details back button
On top of that why does the back button always take you back to owned mechs, even if you came from the store? Make the Mech Details button go back to exactly where you came from.
#3 Mech Details summary
You know that handy little summary that shows the mechs speed, firepower, and armour? Yeah. Why the heck does it go away when you go into the details view, you know, where all the details are meant to be. Add it there too

#4 Colour Picker
Whoo, not Mech Details again. Now I have a widescreen monitor, a HD one in fact. For some reason PGI though it wise to limit the color wheel to less than a quarter of that screen real estate. For goodness sakes, make it scale with screen size!

#5 Chat Notification
I really, really don't care when someone joins or leaves unit chat. Don't make the chat light blink so much. It's essentially useless now because it's always blinking.

#6 Instant Hover over
Make every single hover element instant. The time between mousing over a weapon or item and the items details appearing is far too long
#7 Add Hover over to Mech Details
Ha, mech details again. What's the cooldown on my LB10X again? Do I really need to press back, then Configure mech, and then click right arm (or was it left?), and then hover over the LB10X to find out it's range? No, just add the hover over information to Mech Details and call it a day.
#8 Make it spin, anywhere
Can I see my mech? Then let me spin it. Absolutely no reason for me not to be able to spin my mech at any given point in time.
#9 Show only ammo for equipped weapons
Why are you trying to sell me Guass ammo when I only AC5's equipped? You already warn me about unused ammo types, so it shouldn't be a problem to only show ammo for equipped weapons.
#10 Show how much equipped ammo there is
Currently outside of remember the ammo per tonne, and then counting up how many tonnes you have in mech details, there is no way to see how much of each ammo type you have equipped. This needs to be shown somewhere.
#11 Consistency between selections
If I go to my Stalkers left arm and select "missiles", and then move to my Stalkers right arm it should already have missiles selected. Likewise should apply to all equipment types, it just adds so many clicks. Likewise, dragging a component off of a mech shouldn't switch the selected category to that type. If I'm removing heat sinks to equip an AC10, I don't want to have to reselect the Ballistics category.
#12 Promote Group Leader
When in a group the leader is the person who created the group. If that person leaves another player is randomly chosen. The only way to promote someone to leader is for everyone to leave the group and get re-invited. This is especially painful if the new leader doesn't have all the current party members added as friends. A simple context menu for the current group leader should allow them to right click on another group member and promote them to leader.
#13 Remove unneeded prompts
Yes, I know that I just cancelled match making. Yes I know I just purchased a mech. Yes I know I just upgraded that skill. Remove all useless prompts, and replace with a notification that requires no interaction if there really needs to be something there at all
That's all I can think of for now, but that's just a small example of the many small improvements that would make our lives that much easier. PGI have been doing great of late, but I want to see more! Go get those low hanging fruit before they go rotten!
#14 Remove uneeded scroll bars
Why the heck do we need scroll bars under title selection? Expand the categories out fully and just have one scroll bar on the right

Edited by Troutmonkey, 04 March 2015 - 03:31 PM.