The general ethos of the fire support mech (in my eyes) is roughly this:
- Big, long range weapons
- Slow torso/weapon tracking speed (bad for close range firefights - especially against, small fast mechs but good for weapon stability at long range)
- Good Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities
- Its all about positioning
When your support pilot reaches a ripe old experience/honour level he/she will no-doubt unlock some beastly weaponry. What about making some weapons so huge that the mech can only fire them while stationary? Or even a 'locked/hull down' mode that provides a stable enough platform to fire the weapon?
I posted something related to this in the 'Unlock Reticle Aiming from Torso Twist' post by tman sennet.
Also, how about allowing scout mechs to take EW equipment, such as target painters, to allow support mechs to target faster or hit more accurately?
We can all agree that bigger guns are usually better guns, right?
Let me know if any of this sounds like a good (or bad) idea to you folks. Thanks for reading.