Let's wipe it out.
PGI has a problem: They need more manpower, they don't have the money to hire that manpower. And to that I say: BRING IN THE COMMUNITY. Stop shutting us out. There's a ton of people here that are professional mappers, modelers, you name it. That are willing to donate their time to improving this game.
My point: You have a pool of hardcore BattleTech fans that are willing to pitch in and improve this game at an unheard of pace. For free. Because we love this franchise.
There is literally not a downside to you guys putting out some devkit tools and taking user submissions for maps. Star Citizen did a similar thing recently and only received praise for it. You guys obviously have to be the "bucks stops here" quality control, but I don't think that'd be a problem.
Would your customers like to start getting 2 new maps a month? What do you think? Absolutely! And if you start taking community submissions, you can have that and not pay a dime for it.
Obviously, it would be nice if these fine people got a little more say into things like gameplay balance, too. They understand the franchise. They love it, and some of them are quite good resources for it. Again, for free and absolutely no risk to PGI you can take care of the vast majority of serious, ongoing balance issues in maps & 'mechs in a way that satisfies the majority of your players.
There are programmers who would love to enhance that UI, one of the biggest issues encountered at PGI. There are map designers that would love to do new designs. There are modelers who could churn out a slew of support vehicles, turrets, or even 3D versions of concept art because they care about the IP.
You know what else? Going this route changes everything from a PR standpoint. You might even get press for really embracing such a long time, fanatic, and face it: Older and more tech savvy than some franchise audience.
Literally everyone wins. I will say what an awesome turn of events this was indefinitely, we might actually get a rockin' version of CW on time, and almost all of our complaints would no longer be valid. I know a lot of folks would reinstall in a heartbeat if that happened.
Again, this is the community that made Living Legends, which MW:O is based heavily on. This is the community that added four times the original 'mechs and guns to MechWarrior 4. I myself was the one to suggest Mektek add a grid to the minimaps, and when they did, it changed the way we play this game: You can't picture MechWarrior maps sans grids today.
Let's call a flat out truce for 2014 PGI. Let's start working together. The people will come back, new people will be interested, and the people that are here will have even more great content (that they will gladly pay for). At no cost to you guys.
This is a great change to put everything that's happened under the bridge and really kick the game off right this year. You've literally got nothing to lose by giving it a shot!
Edited by Victor Morson, 02 January 2014 - 10:45 PM.