SkyHammr, on 23 November 2014 - 06:21 PM, said:
Wait a minute...
This -isn't- PvE? Given the people that I've had the sad misfortune of having on my team, I coulda swore this was a PvE game with lame AI Companions. I've seen STO Bridge Officers act smarter than the clowns that I've had to drop with (yes,the ones that stand in fire).
If this was a PvE game (where I wouldn't have to deal with PUGLife; getting /roflstomped by 10-mans that drop with 2 less guys so they don't have to compete in the 12-man queue; or going 12-man and dealing with the meta-cheese-trash), I would have gone Top-Tier in every Pre-Order Package from Founder to Resistance. I seriously would. Hell, I'd even pay a sub for this game if it were PvE.
Or, in other words.... I would play nothing, the EFF, else.
This -isn't- PvE? Given the people that I've had the sad misfortune of having on my team, I coulda swore this was a PvE game with lame AI Companions. I've seen STO Bridge Officers act smarter than the clowns that I've had to drop with (yes,the ones that stand in fire).
If this was a PvE game (where I wouldn't have to deal with PUGLife; getting /roflstomped by 10-mans that drop with 2 less guys so they don't have to compete in the 12-man queue; or going 12-man and dealing with the meta-cheese-trash), I would have gone Top-Tier in every Pre-Order Package from Founder to Resistance. I seriously would. Hell, I'd even pay a sub for this game if it were PvE.
Or, in other words.... I would play nothing, the EFF, else.
LOL, you call the players you are with as bad as AI???? SSshhhhheeeeeiiiiitt.....I would rather go into battle wiht 11 other AIs over the players we get in game. A swarm of AIs would likely win against a group of pugs. Your AI swarm would stroll over the top into the enemy guns, but they would be spread out and sporadic, vs your like blob of 12 mechs......and your AI wouldnt be TKing, blobbing and being stupd...they would be shooting the enemy to bits...and wiht your support, winning.....
I know those big ass fights on MW4 Mercs, the big ass fight at Griffon base, a few other fights were it was my 8 mechs against like 2 companies.......I won, it was a vicious fight, but I won...and there was only AI They go where I tell them, shoot what I tell them and in the end, we win.....
current Players.....its trolololololol, look at my shiny laser....SHOOTING OFF YOUR ARM BEEITch.. what you gunna do? then you have the happy, pranciful unicorn lights off in the side of hte map running around just going derpy derpy...what a prettiful sky.....
Yeah, id rather take the AI...