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Multiple Pilots Per Account

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#1 UrsusMorologus


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 05:31 AM

Under the current CW plans, we are expected to link our account to a single faction. What if there was an intermediary thing, where you have multiple pilots per account, each of whom could be linked to a separate faction. Give each pilot has a dropship and a mechlab, and let them be built up as distinct characters.

This solves the main problem of forcing an account to be IS or Clan even if the player has mechs from both. It also solves a bunch of secondary faction-level issues, like RP mech allocation (different mechs for Steiner vs Kurita), helps to deal with different social groups in different factions (your buddies are in one, your brother is in another), and so forth.

Assets should belong to an account and be allocated to the pilot, then returned to account library when no longer needed. This accomodates things like Founders mechs that cant be purchased multiple times, and the gear on them (cockpit items, weapons, etc),

Pretty simple to implement, although it would probably affect a lot of subsystems so could be a very big pile of easy.

Edited by UrsusMorologus, 10 October 2014 - 05:44 AM.

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