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Clan Hero Mechs

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#1 Dorion


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:58 AM

Does PGI have any plans for these? And will they have swappable Omnipods?

If their has been discussion on this, I would appreciate if you could point me to the thread or announcement.

Thanks :)

#2 UnsafePilot


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 09:59 AM

I thought that the invasion model primes were the clan 'hero' mechs.

#3 Mcgral18


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:09 AM

View PostUnsafePilot, on 13 October 2014 - 09:59 AM, said:

I thought that the invasion model primes were the clan 'hero' mechs.

For all intents and purposes, yes.

True Heroes would have different hardpoints, though.

#4 Dorion


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 11:23 AM

View PostUnsafePilot, on 13 October 2014 - 09:59 AM, said:

I thought that the invasion model primes were the clan 'hero' mechs.

Well....I assume that the primes are not heroes for a number of reasons.

1. You can't buy them from the game store.
2. I assume that, like the founders and Phoenix packages, Clan Wave I and Wave II programs will eventually end.
3. Hero mechs can be purchased individually. Primes can be purchase ala carte, (but in my mind that is like a mastery pack because you are receiving two variants and the mechbays).

I would like to know because the 30% c-bill factor is important to me. If this is the only time I will be able to get a specific clan mech with that bonus, I may go the ala carte method; however, if I know that clan hero mechs with swappable omnipods will be available in the future, I may consider waiting and spending my cash on some other MWO things I've been looking at like premium time. :)

#5 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 11:27 AM

LOL, I guess alot of us are already drivingthe only hero Warhawk that the wiki page shows....

Replaced the LRM on the prime with more heatsinks lol...

#6 MadPanda


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 11:36 AM

Because of the swappable pods, you can make many different combinations already on the mechs. If clan mechs will get heroes, I think they won't come for long time.

#7 Mirkk Defwode


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 11:50 AM

In a way we have the first clan Hero mech before we even got the clans :D

Protector is Aleksandr Keresneky's Orion during the fall of the Star League in 2750 as he was the leader of the SLDF.

But yeah. I'd expect at some point for us to see the named customized variants used by heroes in the fiction as well as a few new fabricated ones appear. Honestly I was expecting to see Widowmaker long before clan pack 2 - so I was a little pleased we expanded the available clan mechs prior to getting the named hero mechs.

#8 Metus regem


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 11:56 AM

There is a topic about this in the battle mech section in the strategies section.

More or less right now, a lot of the named clan pilots have mechs that can be built by swapping pods around.

For example the Timber Woly Pryde can be built with prime arms and s torso pods for the jump jets.

#9 Featherwood


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:02 PM

Would you mind if I quote myself from another similar topic? Well, since it was a rhetoric question :)

View PostFeatherwood, on 09 May 2014 - 02:10 PM, said:

I hope that approach for Clans' premium-Mechs' will be different from IS' 'hero-Mechs'. First, I'd like them to be called something different from 'hero' (will explain later), second, I would hate to see unique omni-pods on them. That's why:

Let's take for example premium Mad Dog and/or Hellbringer. I will buy them both 100%, as they are my fav 'Mechs. I would appreciate if some of them will be selling as Johanna's 'Mech (my fav BT books character), but I can't imagine Johanna using "personal" omni-pods. Individuality is almost hated in Clan society, it was loathed by stern Clan-warrior Johanna herself, so it's just impossible to me to imagine, lore-wise, I mean.
The Clan premium-Mech of my dream should differ from standard Clan Omni-Mech by:
  • They should have a 'legend' linking them to renown Clan warriors from the lore (enough of PGI's 'fantasy')
  • 30% income boost (I still hope for Clans to have separate economy with KE currency instead of filthy C-bills)
  • Default set of standard Omni-Pods. It could be mix from different standard configurations, but not more!
  • Unique chassis' quirks (e.g. JJs in Aidan Pryde's T-wolf traded for MGs and MPL)
  • Unique Clan camo (with option to replace original Clan Insignia, maybe)
P.S. I hate the idea of 'heroic' version of Clan Omni-Mech piloted by IS scum (as described in post below), be it Victor Davion or some filthy mercenary. There is enough space in IS lore for IS 'hero' Mechs, leave Omni-Mechs to Clans.

Edit: short version: Clan Hero Mechs must be very different from Inner Sphere Hero Mechs, IMO

Edited by Featherwood, 13 October 2014 - 12:03 PM.

#10 Jin Ma


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:08 PM

probably not going to happen with the current mechanics atleast

#11 Little Details


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:17 PM

maybe not 'heros' but they could have something like 'test/prototype' designs for sale. This would allow for a new omnipod(s) with new loadout capabilities and/or special quirks. Steers close to P2W, so they'd have to be careful, but it's something and gets around Featherwood's valid points. For instance, with the change to the S torso omnipods for the Timber having forced JJ, have a prototype with similar lrms but NO JJ and give them a missile quirk or something. Something like the kitfox-c arm (ecm) was added as a way to make the mech more viable and add an ecm light option for CW. Have a prototype get ecm in a side torso for the fox so it's not as easy to blow off... (now, adding ecm to a mech that doesn't have it would be P2W, but not in an example of just 'moving' it). They could even follow the 'test/prototype' design by making something like that a story (clan pilots complain of a high failure rate of ecm in right arm... clan pilots disdain the use of JJ for the sake of less weaponry in the Timber...the scientist caste has come up with...etc). They don't even have to sell a whole mech, but they could just sell omnipods for less MC. If you only want the omnipod+quirk, great, if you want a whole mech, maybe some people would buy a champion to go with it.

Edited by LT Satisfactory, 13 October 2014 - 12:22 PM.

#12 Bilbo


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:18 PM

Don't know how you'd do it without locking down the pods. If you don't lock down the pods, do you make them available to everyone without bonuses? Do you not allow the pods to be used elsewhere? Probably won't see anything until the Clan mechs start being released once a month like IS mechs anyway.

#13 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:32 PM

View PostUnsafePilot, on 13 October 2014 - 09:59 AM, said:

I thought that the invasion model primes were the clan 'hero' mechs.

No, they show up as Champions.

This is a slippery slope... Clan ECM with swappable pods would be Hero Mechs with ECM. Hellbringer and Kit Fox....

#14 Ultimax


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:34 PM

View PostLordKnightFandragon, on 13 October 2014 - 11:27 AM, said:

LOL, I guess alot of us are already drivingthe only hero Warhawk that the wiki page shows....

Replaced the LRM on the prime with more heatsinks lol...

Opens up the door for a unique variant with unique hardpoints, just what the doctor ordered! :D

#15 RussianWolf


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 01:43 PM

Maybe the heroes will just have a unique base chassis. With the omnipods being standards (or just opening up an additional pod for all the variants.)

Attach the base chassis with the 30% boost and something unique about it in terms of the HP (it only has 1-2 slots max) or Quirks.

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