Any system that focuses on new-accounts is going to create a bunch of alt-accounts, and probably not a whole lot more.
So, what I suggest rewarding people who play together as a group. Players will come and go, but people will want to refill their ranks when old players leave or move on or whatever, with new players, because they'll be rewarded for playing as a group better than playing alone.
Bonus C-Bills and XP for dropping as a group!
The larger your group, the more C-Bills and XP bonus everyone in the group gets. Something like 1% per person in the group more. So a 12 person group would get 12% extra XP and C-Bills, while a four man group would be getting 4% more XP and C-Bills.
Now, now, I already hear people crying, "But I want to drop alone!"
- No one's stopping you!
To go along with the group thing, MMR (Match-Making-Rank/Tier) based on groups not individuals. Every group (and yeah, it could be a lot of data) has it's own MMR/Tier. If I play with my buddy Joe, then he and I have an MMR of our own together. If I play with my other buddy Ben, then now Ben and I have a different MMR.
WHY? Why would you do this? You might ask?
Multiple reasons:
1. When older players play with newer inexperienced players, they're more likely to lose (in theory) because the new player doesn't know what they're doing (having trouble controlling legs, firing small lasers and overheating when 1000m+ away from the target, etc.) And, players who work really hard on getting their tier higher (or lower as it may be) don't want to drop with newbies and loose that hard earned Tier 1 or whatever.
EDIT: Add: 2. Also, dropping a Tier 1 and Tier 5 together often takes FOREVER to find a match, which discourages the Tier 1 and Tier 5 from dropping together. No one likes waiting half an hour (or longer!) to find a match. If they're treated as a single MMR/Tier TOGETHER, then I suspect it'll be easier on the match-making matching.
3. It would encourage players to keep playing together as a group (thus, mentoring each other) to improve their collective tier.
4. It could maybe improve match making (speed) by matching tiers of groups together, instead of trying to match a Tier 1 with another Tier 1 in a group with Tier 4s and Tier 5s, etc.
Players in a group might perform better or worse than alone, or when in other groups. Maybe I play really well with Ben, but horribly with Joe. Maybe Joe and Ben play well together without me. Maybe the three of us together are awesome, or we suck, as a trio, but again Ben and I rock together. Instead of trying to figure out a 'fair match' based on a bunch of individuals, we as a group get matched against other groups of similar MMR/Tier (when possible) [Or against whoever is online when, The Internet forbid, there's not enough to make a decent match otherwise or whatever].
I've been in matches against what looked like 10 or 12 player teams, where my team looked as best I could tell to be a bunch of rando-pubs, and we steamrolled the pre-arranged team. It happens a lot in other games, but it's happened here on MWO often enough as well.
My point? A bunch of randos whooped what looked like a pre-arranged team, and if it was a pre-arranged team, we whooped 'em. Their team Tier/MMR was not very good...
I see on the forums people are terrified of getting put against pre-arranged teams, terrified of being steam rolled by a bunch of organized pros. Well, I think the community is currently game-aged enough that I get some really good games with people actually leading in pub games now, and good cooperation (though not always)...
And if that 12 person team is judged by it's 12 person MMR/Tier, then good 12 mans can be paired against other good 12 mans, or good players, while not as good 12 mans can be paired against not as good players, and the random pub groups that aren't 12 men, can be at least assured that either A) The 12 man isn't that great at playing together (yet), or

they'll move on and up to higher tiers where the rondos who aren't that good won't have to face them again in the future.
Tier per group has the advantage of taking into account players tactics together without knowing what their tactics are. Maybe a lance of light mechs are really awesome at sweeping through enemy lines together, and they win a lot of matches that way! Great! They should be a high tier together! Now, as individuals, they don't have their buddies to work with them, and they get killed early in the match because they don't have the same tactic. Maybe my new buddy isn't as good at the tactic as my other buddies are with it.
Per-Group-Tier has a lot of advantages. Yes, yes, it's more data in the database, so you'll have to figure out a clever way to store it and access it without killing your database, but considering all the stuff databases deal with, I suspect you guys are up for the task.
Provide incentives in your events like this Lucky Charms, or the previous Hunt the Huntsman thing, for dropping in groups.
Encourage group-play, and mentorships will follow.
Edited by Sasuga, 17 March 2021 - 04:39 PM.