Armageddon Unlimited is intent to recruit MechWarrior's the world-round for regional detachments, meaning we intend to be an international Mercenary Combat Command. Click here to see our policy concerning regional detachments.
These detachments will work as elements within the main structure of AU, though they will do so semi-autonomously. These details may be used to clear some things up:
1) Detachments would be a total part of the rank structure, fitting within the rank and file of AU, a natural part of our Wartable/TO&E (Table of Organization & Equipment);
2) A detachment would begin with their own Lance and it will grow per their recruitment, whether they are one, or just a few members looking for more, as per our normal practice. International element's can grow to be any size, from Company-level (12), followed by Battalion-level (36), and Regiment-level (108), as necessary.
3) Time Zones are covered by our own defined regions: region A covers the time zones of the America's, from UTC -10 to UTC -3. Region B covers time zones on the entire continent of Africa, all of Europe, and the Western half of the former Soviet Block countries, from UTC -2 to UTC +5. Region C covers Australia, New Zealand, and most of Asia, from UTC +6 to UTC -11. UTC = GMT. To find out where you are, click here!
4) You are welcome to provide a name or designator for your combat element, as well as a logo of your own design for our web site, prior to becoming Company sized, or larger, but you will be required to provide these by the time you reach Company size. If you are coming to AU as an established group of friends, we will do all in our power to make sure you remain cohesive, and if you already have a Company name or designator, and/or logo, you will be allowed to use those, unless they're offensive.
You can find our web site by clicking here!
Our TeamSpeak channel is on the No Guts No Galaxy server at, and with a password of mechwarrior. Look for us in the Sponsored Units Section under Armageddon Unlimited (Wolf MCC). The most typical play time of the Commander is from 7:00 to 10:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -8), nightly, with rare and unpredictable nights off for work or special family events, and equally rare and unpredictable extended weekend-days, usually in the morning.
Edited by Kay Wolf, 14 October 2014 - 05:39 AM.