9erRed, on 25 October 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
You are correct, there is a satisfaction gleaned with having some of the BattleTech mini's fully built out and mounted on a diorama.
- The largest issue I had was finding some place to keep them where dust was not an issue.
- The ultra fine details that were painstakingly built, just can't be 'wiped' off to remove dust.
- It's amazing all the 'holiday' packaging and containers that suddenly attracts your eye for 'that would make a great stand or container' for Mech's. (forget what's inside I just want the container.)
~ Ps: Ferrero Rocher makes some excellent clear Mech containers, give the chocolate to the woman. It never hurts and you gain 'bonus points'. (just don't tell her you only bought it for the case.)
Excellent idea, and you wouldn't make the wife even madder than she already is for taking up so much space with your mechs!

Their most likely will be some sort of diarama sometime. Probly some epic mech battle on a Z scale train set with the mechs filling out their specific roles in battle
Also, here are better pictures of the stalker: I think that he scheme is best suited for a missile boat like the stalker, any slight tactical advantage should be used. The scheme is best suited for ridgeline sniping
Edited by Mech42Ace, 25 October 2014 - 09:25 PM.