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Chat System "overhaul"

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#1 Kyjin


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:25 AM

Hello fellow players and PGI Developers,

I'd like to ask Everyone if they think the Chat system in this game is Very Below par With other games of a multiplayer Nature? I would Please ask that people reading this think of what it should or should not be, think of the elements of chat systems you have encountered that you think should be added or the current system modified to support.

I will begine with my own Observations from games that have Made my Experience playing them a Positive one, and Promoted connection with fellow players.

1. being able to friend a person with a click of my mouse, people have cazy usernames sometimes and it's a hell of alot easier to click their name at the end of a match than try to Write down say Her0k1ll3r and figure out it out, after two try's I will no longer care.

2. there is no reason you should not be able to chat while the match search is in progress, the chat system completely overlays everything, you either can see the chat and chat yourself, or you cannot see any chat and can do everything else. Very Frustrating........

3. There is no main chat Server for Players Logging in to form groups with other players, Since this started I have yet to see a main chat room for logged in players. I am someone who does not search forums for players to join with, I am a casual 15 mins to play here, maybe 30 here player, I believe there are plenty more like me that log in search for a match and play.

So to sum things up, I would love to see better Services for connecting players to each other. I will stop here and allow others To Give their two cents.

Thanks for reading


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