Hmm.. Terra Therma.. Good!.. I like this map.. I just don't like... the Lemmings... That crater is too hot, and except from Conquest, it has not even a major relevant strategic values.. but, almost every teams, go there to die.. I hope, this time we go around.. If we do that, we have a 90% chance to win... Perhaps, PGI should make some new achievments:
"You gone into the crater of Terra Therma and died, without a shot, 1.000 times. You receive the Achievement Title: Lemming Prince!" or "You blocked one of your teammates path, on Terra Therma, 10.000 times. You receive the Achievement Title: Iron Door-Still!".. Ye, perhaps, they will learn... Oh, match start-screen!... Let's see... Who won... 59.. 58.. 57..
Hm.. 1.. 2, and 3... Ye, looks like, we won the DC-war this time! Ye, 11 vs.10!... Lol.. I remember in such situation, always on two things.. First, that I read somewhere, from Russ: "We can't start a match, with 23 players..."... And second, that old slogen: "Yes, you can!".. Lol.. I don't know, which MWO Russ played that time, but,... I play average 10 matches every day, and I can count on just one of my hand, how many times we have a 12 vs. 12... Ok, I could count it on one hand too, if I would lost three of my fingers... lol.. "We can't start..".. lol...
52.. 51.. Oh, man.. We have, this reconnect thing since many-many months... No way, that those DC players coudn't reconnect a bit later,.. like in the 2th, or the 3th minutes of the game... If they want reconnect at all... Now, we must wait, least a whole minutes.. We have 21 players here.. So, it is a lost of 21 minutes life-time.. Great!..
48.. 47.. 46.. Lotspeaker <All> Happy Puch Day! 45.. 44..
What? Patch day?..Or what?! Hell! The patch was about 4 days ago.. and... the hot-fix.. 2 days ago.. Ye, lol.. What a bug!.. I wish, they wouldn't fixed that... When a Mech, ran faster as 130 kph, and the pilot hit the JJ-button... he lost both legs instantly,.. lol...The legs just flew away... lol.. The Mechs didn't died.. it was a bug... so, they just stayed floting in the air.. lol.. we called them "KMP"... I killed about 15 or 20 from them ... they were so happy for it... Hell, that was fun!
I think, Light pilots are very similar to sailors... I heard, sailors, after a long sea-voyage becomes sometimes seasickness, when they go to the land... The same goes, for Light pilots too.. if they stayed, in one place.. without any movements... they felt sick... Oh.. they just cryed, and cryed.. "Kill Me Please!" / "Could someone Kill Me! PLEEEZ"... lol... KMP's... lol...
38.. 37.. Asker <All> ?? - ? 36.. 35..
Not to mentioned, it was not easy... even, when they lose their lag-shields, their JJ-shield stayed mostly there.. bug.. in a So, they were mostly invulnerable for laser hits.. And nobody wanted waste any AC-Ammo, for that purpose... If they don't had an ECM.. some of the LRM-boats shoot them down... least, if they had the extra 2-3 tons of Ammo.. If not.. huh... We must overheat them, with lasers... was not so easy... But, two days later, they hot-fixes it... lol...
Still, I am mostly a Heavy/Assault pilot... I can't really use Lights.. but, in this special case.. I had surely, no problem, with that bug.. I use always, such buttons like the "100% / 70 % / 30% trottles"... auto-forwards... or "Full Stop". If I don't want to run faster, as 130 kph.. I just rebind my buttons in no time... But, as I read the Forum posts, that time... no one else use these buttons.. Ye, there are some very strange people here...
30.. 29.. Lotspeaker <All> Lol.. Sorry! Happy Punch Day! 28.. 27..
Oh.. That!.. That was a really big surprise, from PGI... But, a good one! Was.. about.. I think.. 4 weeks ago.. Ye.. Good day! "We improve today, the arsenal of MWO, with a new weapon! From today, IS Heavys an Assaults can use, their arms as weapons, (if they have similar arms to humans)! Yes! They can really PUNCH , from now on! "... Russ...
Ye.. My poor Stalkers... They can't do that.. But, Banshees, Cataphracts, and co.. Ye, "Mech Punch" - 30 meters hit, forward. Heavys (30 DMG), Assaults (60 DMG).. 1 ton Punch Ammo = 10 separat hit... Only one little drawback.. we must place the Ammo, in that arm, that we want use for the Punch... Very funny thing...
21.. 20.. Thanks <All> Thanks! 19.. 18..
Hmm.. Sadly.. they can't implemented the "Kick".. They said something from "too unstable centre of mass..".. but, I saw that thing, in one of Kon's video... The Mechs just felt over, like a potato-sacks... BAMM... lol.. sad, but.. lol...
16.. 15.. OK.. The match starting soon.. Let's see.. which Mech I choosed... I hope, it's Ice... or least some nice Assault-Boat... Hm.. where is Sky Hawk... Hmm, I am not in the Assault Lance?... Hmm.. strange... very strange.. Sky.. ah here... Sky Hawk... and the Mech is... LCT-NS.. ! ! !
WHAT THE BLOODY HELL !!??!!.. 12.. 11.. A... N I I I C O O O !?!? 10..
Why the hell, have I a Nico! Holly crap! A freaking Nico!... 8.. 7.. It's a 20 tonner!.. The only usefull 20 tons for me in MWO, is the 4 x ERLL's... 5.. 4.. ../.. / .. .. 58.. 57..
56.. 55.. Oh no! Not that too! Some one reconnected!.. Great! Hell, we lost so.. 43 minutes of our life-time!.. Thanks, Russ!.. Oh, God! What will happens next? Will the ceiling crush down to me, or what!?!.. 53.. 52..
Calm down.. Calm down... Hell, I am tired!.. 50.. 49.. Ok, Let's see.. Good, least, this was our guy.. 12 vs. 10... But, now we have to wait again!.... Damn!.. 46..
45.. 44.. Let's think!... hmm.. a Nico?.. Perhaps.. from the 3-months reward? Russ throw this things, after every player, who was still here, 3 months after the Dark Week... Hmm.. I thought, I selt it away instantly... for the Bay... Looks like, I forgot that to do... lol... Russ had many of them, on stock that Because, of course, nobody wanted to buy them.. lol.. Poor Russ!.. He really thought.. everyone want a Nico, just because it's won the Forum Poll.. what was it.. ... was about 80% or so... lol.. Really?
40.. 39.. 38.. Ye... lol.. Russ, man, what a stupid idea!.. 80%! .. Lol... Almost nobody voted for it, except from Nikolai!... Hero or not, a Nico is a terrible Mech.. And it's won? Of couse it's won!.. lol.. What have you thought?... What the hell does Nikolai the whole day? Working?.. Really? lol ... Of couse not! He made surely over thousand clone-accounts, and voted with all of them for the Nico.. Who didn't want a Hero Mech, with his own maiden name... lol.. Poor Russ!..
36.. 35.. 34.. Ok.. If, I must pilot, this Nico.... Let's see.. hmm.. Terra Therma is not really good for it.. Not just, it's too hot, but... A Nico is white.. hellish white... Ye, Alex painted it white... Ok.. what the hell, could he others do, once the Mechs name is Snow!.. It must be white.. sure... But, so.. I will light up on Therma, like a 20 tons flare gun!... Even a blind noob will spot me, from least 2.000 meters away... Hell!.. Anyway.. I need to be carefull.. lol.. Me and carefull.. lol..
30.. 29.. Hm.. And, ok, I understand the white color.. But, why this chest-painting?... In the place of Alex, I had asked Nikolai for a photo, from his dog.. Or better, since he lives mostly in the online world.. His dog has, surely an own facebook-page... I had just take some pictures, from there, a little brush, with a bit white, and done! A nice wolfy.. Done!.. But no,... Alex is an Artrist... He has to put, a Vampire-Snowman on the Nico's chest...? Really? A bloody-mouthed Vampire-Snowman! Hell!
26.. 25.. 24.. Aaaand... Of course, with fang teeth.. With bloody fang teeth!... No matter, what he paints... teeth and teeth everywhere!.. I mean, we play this Game in the future, right?! Not in the prehistory!.. No matter, how God blessed his hands are, he watched surely to much Jurassic Park... waaay to much!... Omg.. so many fang teeth..
22.. 21.. 20.. OK, I admit, when I came first time here, I thought too, that "Nico Snow" is the civil name of the Santa Claus/Nicholas/Nikolaus, or whatever the canadian variants name is... A little mistake from my sides.. Can happen... I am not a Dev or such... But, really!... Which iditot choose as unchangeable built-in warnhorn sound for the Nico, the first notes ot the "Twinkle twinke little star"??? Omg!.. That is so annoying!...
18.. 17.. And the specs! Hell, even, when the original Santa has 9 reindeers.. Why should have, a Nico, 9 fixed Jump Jets? Nine!!! Damn!.. I guess, that's why nobody wanted to buy it... Only thing, what that Mech can do is flying high... very high...
15.. 14.. Hmm.. I don't know, if anyone tried it before... But, perhaps it can fly over the whole crater here... from one sides, to the others... Hmm.. perhaps... But I guess, no... with Engine Cap as 130??... Perhaps it has not even enough speed for it... and it would fall into the lava and burn... lol.. No! It's a Snow! It would be melt away... lol..
11.. 10.. Anyway.. If I want to be least a bit usefull, to my team, I should find out something very soon.. The Mech is not the only problem here... Sadly the pilot is much worse... Still I can't drive a Light properly... I always crush into buildings and such... Least, here are not so many of them...
8.. 7.. And, as usually, close combat is a big NO.. I hit moslty more Blues, than Reds... If, I hit something at all,.. before I die... Hmm.. Damn...
5.. 4.. The match is starting.. Least... if no more DC-er comes back.. Hmm.. The DC-ers!.. 2.. 1..