Lights running around strafing enemies with negligible laser damage early in the game just for kill assist and free money (which was heavily rewarded under the old system. [over 100k for 50damage and no kills? Jeez! 100k for 30 seconds of work. Have 5 to 10 of such light mechs rotate and you have a bank robbery!]). They then just die early and leave the team crippled. Sorry but looking at so many complains today, most comes from lights that persist in this unholy way of playing. I am actually encouraged and have high hopes that light pilots would play their role for real starting from today seeing that this method of playing gets them nowhere now. This will greatly improve gameplay experience, something which I am already starting to see. At least I am seeing much lesser of the teammate death within the first 30 seconds of play because it was a light strafing for money (i used to wonder why people run off to die so quickly all the time. Always at least one of such per match. Then i saw how easy it is to make money like this rotating match to match with a few light mechs very quickly.). I am sorry but bank robbery is officially over, light mechs, you need to learn how to narc and tag now.
Play for real, be a valuable asset to the team,narc or tag instead of strafe with laser and you will see the rewards.
I for one consistently get about the same reward as under the old system on winning games and actually MORE reward for playing well in losing matches (got only close to 150k in a losing match for playing well).
Apart from this, I don't see alot of other playstyle get hit too badly as long as you play well.
So, play well, get rewarded.
Play like a douche, get paid like a douche.
Edited by Pr8Dator, 21 October 2014 - 11:49 PM.