Black Sunder, on 29 November 2011 - 06:05 PM, said:
In universe terms, the internal structure is the skeleton that holds the entire structure together - changing it is not customization; it's re-engineering the entire 'Mech structure/skeleton; and the engines are only nominally less hard to swap.
In gameplay terms, allowing those structures to be changed contributes significanly to the munchkin/min-max effect. It would also go a LONG way towards rendering the 'Mechs into nothing more than different looking gun-bags that are otherwise un-unique.
Raeven, on 29 November 2011 - 11:49 PM, said:
Say no to MW4 hardpoints!!
HP were a decent concept but they were poorly implemented in MW4 - they shouldn't have tried to mess with the weapons sizes and stuff all the while getting rid of all non-weapons areas. Just bad mojo!
}{avoc, on 02 December 2011 - 11:44 AM, said:
Havoc, I think VB was just pointing out that weapons performance differs between the different weapons instead of all being "the same" when he used the word "balance."