CyclonerM, on 03 November 2014 - 08:07 AM, said:

In the lore, modyfing the base chassis AKA engine, armor, fixed armor/structure slots, fixed weapons/equipment, requires a "redesign", basically you have to create a whole new OmniMech; simply put, if you have an Adder, you cannot change its engine rating , because it would not be an Adder anymore.
I like to have some challenges sometimes.. It is not like every single 'Mech out there is designed around my own desires and customization is already way too free and cost-less, especially for IS 'Mechs.
My point is always that.. If they have already changed some things from the lore.. That is a reason to not change more

No I knew what you meant as per the fixed arrangments in omni tech use for the actual tech fixed to the chassis or omni parts (this also evident by the fixed positioning of various tech on the omni parts in MWO) and those design limitations with the use of Clan tech.
Only that with the various changes already applied to the other qualities of Clan tech it is not a huge stretch to tweak the engine ratings applied to these as per what would be the understood value to be applied for them. This moreso in keeping with the more homogonised approach to balancing IS vs Clan as per the objectivity associated with what PGI are in fact trying to achieve.