Wednesday 11/5 Is Catapult Day
Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:08 AM

Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:14 AM
Hopefully PGI would take those ugly strapped on launchers off and all the lrm launchers back into those nice two "ears"

Posted 03 November 2014 - 10:43 AM
Ultimatum X, on 03 November 2014 - 09:46 AM, said:
Do they hate the Catapult, or did it at one point like many mechs standout for it's ability - creating constant crying on the forums until it just had to be hammered down?
I've found these forums to have a unique type of selective amnesia as to why some over-nerfs actually happen.
That's definently part of it.
The Catapult probably was a bit overpowered back in the day (especially the K2 with dual gauss).
It has been a long time since then though and it still gets the short end of the stick. Its almost like old hate of closed beta keeps it down. Sad really.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:15 AM
The Boz, on 03 November 2014 - 12:36 AM, said:
And I will shoot off the arms of every Catapult I see...
No, really its a good thing.
Nobody will have to look at the new arms if I shoot them off. So make sure you strip the arm armor on all your missile boat catapults.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:30 AM
Ultimatum X, on 03 November 2014 - 09:46 AM, said:
Do they hate the Catapult, or did it at one point like many mechs standout for it's ability - creating constant crying on the forums until it just had to be hammered down?
I've found these forums to have a unique type of selective amnesia as to why some over-nerfs actually happen.
It's because they listen to popular opinion when it comes to balance. And popular opinion is, inexplicably, that LRMs aren't terrible.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:31 AM
It might have to do with Paul's love for his K2... (the quirks, not the VCR design).
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:33 AM
Posted 03 November 2014 - 01:41 PM
And then... they... they just deformed it to this... mess. I'd give all my mechs to get my cats back how they were.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 02:58 PM

Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:00 PM
Captain Stiffy, on 03 November 2014 - 12:27 AM, said:

It will have been one year since we lost the look of our beloved friend.
Please celebrate Catapult Day by tweeting or posting about the art style choices that led to the changes in the Catapult, among other things.
Lhaim, on 03 November 2014 - 12:34 AM, said:

Lordred, on 03 November 2014 - 10:02 AM, said:

To our lost brother, I salute you. O>
Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:14 PM
They decided to go wonkers with the Missile tubes for many reasons.
One Missiles would fire out the same LRM 20 tubes even though you shot SRMs and LRMS at the same time. So that was big a problem, and gave the community exactly, what they wanted; more missile tubes without redundant systems. The Catapult was also THe FIRST Over-Powered Mechs. Back in the day with the Full Jumpjet Fire LRM 60 Crash down with no Leg Damage scared the **** out of everyone.
I remember 2 Catapults hopping at max height and Launching Double LRM 40s so that the missiles would evade cover on forest Colony then a New Map.
Here is a brief histogram of WHy the Art was nerfed for the game the Catapult is unfortunately at the center of it all
Splat Cat Rampage Culprit? C4 and A1 and the Awesome actually. Splawesome were horrifying, running in about 90+kph
the very 1st Lrmaggedon of Closed Beta.= Which resulted in the doubling of Armor and the nerfing of Missile damage. Culprit? Catapult C4 -Catapulte C1
Jumpjet Nerf/ Abuse Culprit? Many different culprits, but the Catapult got its jump jets nerfed because other mechs were poptarting.
Even the Boom-Cat got the Gauss rifle/Double AC20 system taken out temporarily, which resulted in bigger side torso shots because, people were abusing the weapon system from the get go. So that didn't help the Catapult either.
in short, in Closed Beta, the Catapult was O.P. which resulted in both direct and indirect nerfs to its art.
Also I believe the VCR missile tubes was a result of people packing LRM 70s into a 20 tube Catapult C4, the the A1 got all the Missile tube racks added.
Originally, I think PGI intended that the Catapult got additional tubes, so that it would not be "hot-tubing" like the Atlas DDC or the Hunchback 4J. Catapult pilots were Infuriated that they were playing a Missile boat that is hot tubing and not having different tubes for different weapons. Well they Got What They wanted. Becareful, what you wish for. Be concise and accurate.
Unfortunately, a lot of the nerfs have indirectly, hit the Catapult. In a small way I don't think a person should be a 20+ tube build without an additional missile rack, but ya the SPace waster with the Srms and the narc is really the problem and bane of it.
You people complaining about the Missile Box size are Half right and half wrong. The size of the Ears was increased. But, the Catapult C4 Always had Bigger ears than the A1. You can actually, thank the A1 for the Art treatment, because A1 pilots were complaining about the "the hot-Tubing phenomenon" Man I remember that forum rage a lot.
Hot-Tubing is where one Missile tube is used for multiple launches. IE: Atlas LRM 10 tubes firing an LRM 20. Taking heat penalties.
Also people forget that the Change in Missile Tubes which you now see on Assault and Heavy mechs, the most played mechs, is a recent Phenomenon and courtesy. Back in the Day, the Splat cat Missile tubes looked exactly like the LRM 15 classic tubes of the C1. And Yet I still don't see missile tube changes on my Commandos.
Edited by Timuroslav, 03 November 2014 - 03:24 PM.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:19 PM
Posted 03 November 2014 - 05:06 PM
Why in heavens name they couldn't fit all the launchers within those HUGE boxes is beyond baffling.
There's simply no reason for it. There is clearly enough room in those ears to fit basically anything one wants missile-wise, so they put on the goofy VCR's for some reason. It doesn't make sense.
Note that while the Catapult is the worst offender in this area, especially since it got nerfed with these changes, it's not the only one. Take a Thunderbolt 5S someday - the one with the big LRM 20 rack on it - and put a NARC launcher in the large missile slot. Enjoy the laughs as the tiny, one hole missile launcher still somehow requires a LRM rack large enough for an LRM 20.
I don't expect every weapon to have it's own model, but at some point, some degree of sanity should come into play, IMHO.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:43 PM
Keep the other tube VCRS for the rest of the mechs in the game.... just bring back the original Catapult.
Of all the mechs in the game... the Catapult has been the one mech that has been nerfed more than any other Mech.... I never fear a Catapult when playing this game because they are so easy to kill (they are just as LArge as a Stalker), horrible hit boxes, Large Ears made Larger by the stupid extra missile pods (VCRS), Torso Twist nerfs, added LRM Ghost Heat,ect...
Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:29 PM
(Obviously I know it's too much to ask for, but seriously, a whole year of basically nobody liking it? Come on!)
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