Translation: Pocket-battle
So I was playing earlier and my team got our butts handed to us. I ended up feeling really stupid because I fell into a very simple trap. That trap was named by Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke, and it is basically envelopment, and is similar to the tactic employed by Hannibal at Cannae. Let's do a basic analysis of what happened.

Taken from Smurfy's online Mechlab and stats. Click to be redirected to the map.
It's everyone's favorite new map, the Mining Collective! This is actually the map where we were crushed. I recommend looking around the map in the testing ground for areas where there is high round around lower ground. However, I saved you the time for the example. Take a look at the highlighted area (in the green rectangle):

Taken from Smurfy's online Mechlab and stats. Click to be redirected to the map. Edited by DavidHurricane.
This area, if you look in the testing grounds is a nice place to get surrounded by the enemy and die. That is exactly what happened to me. They thinned our forces and then surrounded us and relentlessly poked at us. They'd fire and disappear. By the time I realized we were in the chamber pot, we had already been crapped on. Metaphorically speaking, of course. If you play it smart, this is what the results should be:

Taken from Smurfy's online Mechlab and stats. Click to be redirected to the map. Edited by DavidHurricane.
There are many areas on many maps you can do this in as well. It requires coordination though, so I'd recommend this for groups more than anything else. Also, do not rely on this as a primary tactic. This tactic is purely a convenience. Encirclement only works when the enemy falls for it. Which I and my team did. When the enemy falls for the bait, it is as simple as keeping them shut in while picking them off one by one, making it a very handy tactic to remember.
So what if you're stuck in the chamber pot? That is determined by how early on you notice. You should break out as soon as possible, while you still have the manpower to fight your way out and to fight after breaking out. It is not a hard tactic to escape, but it is a very hard tactic to notice or even realize it's happening until it is too late.
Edited by DavidHurricane, 18 October 2014 - 01:33 PM.