-Updated Data for new mechs. (Through hellfire)
An extension that adds features to the mwomercs.com statistics pages. Including: stat column sorting, filtering mechs by ownership, filtering mechs by weight class, filtering both mechs and weapons by Clan/IS, and filtering weapons by type.
MadStats menu icon in center to access options and quick links.
Creates a Button bar on Weapon stats page to filter by weapon type and clan/is.
Creates a Button bar on Mech stats page to filter by weight class, ownership, and clan/is.
Adds a sticky table header to maintain readability when scrolling through large tables.
Hero mechs renamed for grouping with chassis and preserving sortability; Hero name displayed on hover.
Hides mechs that would display as duplicates.
Sortable Time columns, hover for original time value display.
Single click sorting, descending by default.
Automatically updates owned mech list on profile page or mech stats page
Table styles using tablesorter's built in theme: Black Ice.
Latest Chrome Version
Minimal Bookmarklet Version for other browsers (Thanks Huba!)
![Posted Image](http://madstats.is-great.net/images/madstats128-C.png)
At the moment only the Chrome version is available.
Beginning with the 5/19/2015 release, the MadStats menu has been moved to it's own icon in the center of the top bar.
![Posted Image](http://madstats.is-great.net/images/madstats-chrome4.png)
Debug Mode:
When enabled, debug mode will enable features hidden from the default view. They are usually only here because there are still bugs to be worked out. This is not a perfect solution, but it allows me to easily control the default experience while still allowing for the functionality to be used and tested. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Due to the instability of the column filters and download button, they currently require a user to enable debug mode.
The profile page has some display modifications that removes the scrolling box in favor of all mechs in a grid with transparent background. (Just experiments that could evolve into a custom mech display with potential for stat and smurfy integration later.)
Having any problems?
Any issues understanding the filters or functionality?
Utilizes the Tablesorter jQuery plugin. Icons by Sparks Murphey and Tarogato. Thank you!
Do what thou wilt with the code, but do consider sharing your changes if they might improve the experience for others. There might be other possibilities we can collaborate on, as well. Just let me know.
PGI web developers are welcome/invited to invalidate my efforts by adding the feature into the real stats site, I'm willing to help.
Edited by MadLibrarian, 20 April 2018 - 07:02 AM.