Rise or Die, on 12 November 2014 - 10:34 AM, said:
You must be very proud running around picking up already deep red cored mechs and shouting "I killed a DW in my light mech"
Proof it

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Ummmm Yeah.... surly a pilot claiming such things to all light and medium pilots would never have a chewed up red core timber or dire for us to just one shot you for the kill.
I am pretty sure I have it on fraps.... I will have to go back through 6 months of games I have recorded. I will see what I can find....
Do I look for red core mechs when playing the game.... sure I do.. as everyone who is aware of their surroundings should be doing. However, I am one of those crazy a$$ Locust pilots that will charge your timber and two Dire whales if I believe my team will back me up. I will come over a sand dune, with 8 of you there on the other side of it, and I will fly through your line, fire off 3 alpha's of my massive 6 small laser pay load... all the while you guys are shooting each other trying to hit a 20 ton object that is flying just short of the speed of light through your line.
If my team backs me up, and you failed to kill my little locust, I will fly back through your line while you focus on my team mates moving up and ripping you apart because you all decided to focus on me and then felt my team rip you apart. Guess what... there is another 3 alphas at 18 damage each. By the time you know what is going down, I am already back to the other side of my teams line, and you all have once again focused fired on me, and most likely if I have planned my route right, I have used your teammates as shields and you all have shot the living hell out of your own team.
I will now make my third pass through your lines.... and help my team clean up whats left of your 75-100 ton smoking whale.... and still lived to tell the story.
*** the events depicted and described in the above paragraphs have in fact taken place, are true, and was one of the craziest matches I have played in one of my Locusts ***
Edited by Bill Lumbar, 12 November 2014 - 10:56 AM.