Marack Drock, on 20 November 2014 - 05:51 PM, said:
Star Wars was originally written by a man who was unable to publish it as a novel (originally he called it the Adventures of Luke Skywalker). Lucas then bought it made it a movie and said he made it all.
Star Wars was a rip off (but better) version of Star Trek.
Star Wars was a rip off (but better) version of Star Trek.
Lucas had originally wanted to do a Flash Gordon film, but he could not get the rights for it, I had never heard that he "borrowed" the complete idea for Star Wars but I have seen parts of the early scripts, as well as listened to his accounts of how he came up with it, there were so many films that he claims to have borrowed from.
it took far more from Arthurian legend (young man trained by a wizard to become a great warrior and unite a kingdom to defeat a great evil) than from Star Trek (mostly peaceful explorers having wild west style adventures with a bit of philosophy and myth thrown in) if you seriously think Wars is based on Trek is please point me to me an original series episode where they have a fighter dogfight, or learn to use supernatural powers, as for some other elements yes a few episodes did deal with wars against enemy empires (the Klingons and Romulans) but the origional Trek did touch on intergalactic war but that was never a significant focus of Trek until DS9
did a bit or research and turned up the novelization of Star Wars by Alan Dean Foster, but originally credited to Lucas
this was based on Lucas's script but released months before the film, could this be what you were thinking of?
unless I see evidence to the contrary my personal belief will remain that Lucas created Star Wars by combining Flash Gordon, Westerns, Samurai Films, the legend of King Arther and a few other classic films then rolling everything together with the Dambusters in space for the ending to the first film