Anyways, I'm going to use this thread as a way to post updates to the site, be it new or improved guides, updates tier lists, or broader site changes. This way, I won't clutter up the joint with a new thread every time, and hopefully more people check it out (that's the whole point of writing all this stuff after all!)
Other ways you can get these updates are by subscribing by email (putting your email into that field in the right sidebar), following my twitter, or just keep your eye open on /r/outreachhpg where I will be posting weekly "digests" detailing what I've done in the last week.
I do a lot on this site every week.
I hope you check it out and enjoy your time there.
For the first update, I just did a massive overhaul on the popular Competitive Mech Buying Guide, which I highly recommend if you're interested in getting into competitive play, or just buying the latest and greatest mechs to serve the gods of the Meta.
Edited by GMan129, 18 November 2014 - 09:27 AM.